Michael Mazya
Affiliated to Research | Docent
E-mail: michael.mazya@ki.se
Visiting address: R2:03, Strokeforskningsenheten, Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset Solna, 17176 Stockholm
Postal address: K8 Klinisk neurovetenskap, K8 Neuro Ahmed, 171 77 Stockholm
About me
- I am an associate professor and senior consultant neurologist, specializing in cerebrovascular diseases and acute neurological care. My place of work at KI is the Department of Clinical Neuroscience. In addition to clinical work, I am also the Head of the Stroke Service at the Department of Neurology of the Karolinska University Hospital.
Some key resumé points:
University Medical Degree, Linköping University, 2007
Swedish Medical License, 2009
PhD at Karolinska Institutet, 2014
Specialist physician in neurology, Karolinska University Hospital, 2015
Consultant neurologist 2019-2023, Senior consultant neurologist since 2023
Head of Stroke Service (US equivalent: Medical Director), Karolinska University Hospital, since 2020
Docent (assoc. prof.) at Karolinska Institutet since 2020
Awards and honors
• The Golden Headset Award, Swedish Acute Neurology Society, 2023
• Diploma for Excellent Supervision, MD Program, Karolinska Institutet, 2020
• Young Investigator Award, European Stroke Organisation Conference, 2015
• Outstanding Young Research in Stroke Award, European Stroke Conference 2012
Research grants as main applicant
• ALF Research Grants, Region Stockholm, several in 2018, 2020-22, 2024-25
• Clinical Researcher Grant (Klinisk Forskare), Region Stockholm, 2023-26
• Research Grants, The Swedish Stroke Association, several 2017-2024
• Innovation Grant, Region Stockholm, 2020-21
• Clinical Postdoctoral Grant, Region Stockholm, 2016-19
• Research Fellowship Grant (Forskar-ST), Region Stockholm, 2013-15
Positions of trust
• Member, Dissertation Committee (Disputationskommittén), Karolinska Institutet, 2021 - ongoing
• Chairman of Educational Committee, Member of Conference Planning Group, Member of Program Committee, European Stroke Organisation Conference 2021 and 2022
• Faculty Opponent, Habilitation (Docent) Procedure, Ondřej Volný, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic 2021
• Grant reviewer, Angeby Foundation for Medical Research, Karolinska Institutet, 2020- ongoing
• Member of the Educational Committee of the European Stroke Organisation 2016-2020
• Founding member of the board of the Swedish Acute Neurology Society (ANS) since May 2011. Chairman 2015-2019
• Member of PhD Defence Examination Boards multiple times at Karolinska Institutet and Lund University
- My main research interests are acute reperfusion treatment of ischemic stroke, prehospital stroke triage and diagnosis, acute management of intracerebral hemorrhage, and secondary prevention in stroke and TIA.
I hold the position of Researcher at SITS International, a non-profit foundation coordinating several multinational stroke treatment registries -
www.sitsinternational.org .
- Main supervisor for PhD thesis by Tove Almqvist, MD, planned half-time review 2024
Main supervisor for PhD thesis by Boris Keselman, MD, PhD, defended 2021
Co-supervisor for PhD thesis by Håkan Almqvist, MD, planned defense 2024
Main supervisor of several MD Program Degree Projects:
Fredrik de Wahl (2015)
Niklas Almqvist (2018)
Harald Löfberg (2019)
Sebastian Sköldblom (2019)
Tove Almqvist (2020)
Elin Wiebert (2020)
Mimmi Sjöö (2021)
Jonny Nordström (2023)
Fredrik Gabrielson (2024)
I am involved in teaching clinical neurology to 5th year medical students at the Department of Neurology, where I also served as Clinical Amanuensis in 2013.
In 2016-2020, I was elected to the European Stroke Organisation Educational Committee, working with the World Stroke Academy, a collaborative educational project between the World Stroke Organisation and the European Stroke Organisation. It can be found at https://world-stroke-academy.org/
In 2011, I set up a Swedish patient information website on functional and dissociative neurological symptoms and maintained it until 2022, when the responsibility was transferred to psychiatrist and rehabilitation specialist Carl Sjöström, MD. The site can be found at
http://www.funktionellasymptom.se and has since its inception been viewed over 1 million times.
- Article: CLINICAL NEURORADIOLOGY. 2024;34(4):929-937
- Article: NEURORADIOLOGY. 2024;66(5):737-747
- Article: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY. 2023;30(5):1312-1319
- Article: AMERICAN JOURNAL OF NEURORADIOLOGY. 2023;44(5):523-529
- Article: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE. 2023;12(8):2771
- Article: LANCET NEUROLOGY. 2023;22(2):117-126
- Article: NEUROLOGY. 2023;100(4):e408-e421
- Article: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE. 2022;12(1):246
- Article: EUROPEAN STROKE JOURNAL. 2022;7(2):126-133
- Article: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY. 2022;29(6):1619-1629
- Article: STROKE. 2022;53(2):473-481
- Article: FRONTIERS IN NEUROLOGY. 2022;13:939618
- Article: JAMA NETWORK OPEN. 2021;4(11):e2132376
- Article: JOURNAL OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING. 2021;54(4):1088-1095
- Article: JOURNAL OF INTERNAL MEDICINE. 2021;290(3):646-654
- Article: NEUROLOGY. 2021;97(8):e765-e776
- Article: NEUROLOGY. 2021;96(23):e2824-e2838
- Journal article: NEUROLOGY. 2021;96(15_supplement)
- Article: STROKE. 2021;52(4):1441-1445
- Article: JOURNAL OF NEURORADIOLOGY. 2021;48(2):75-81
- Article: FRONTIERS IN NEUROLOGY. 2021;12:765296
- Article: FRONTIERS IN NEUROLOGY. 2021;12:741551
- Journal article: NEUROLOGY. 2021;97(8):E765-E776
- Article: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE. 2020;15(9):980-987
- Article: STROKE. 2020;51(9):e254-e258
- Article: JAMA NEUROLOGY. 2020;77(6):691-699
- Article: BMJ OPEN. 2020;10(5):e037234
- Article: LANCET. 2020;395(10227):878-887
- Article: STROKE. 2020;51(2):519-525
- Article: FRONTIERS IN NEUROLOGY. 2020;11:357
- Article: EUROPEAN STROKE JOURNAL. 2019;4(4):307-317
- Journal article: EUROPEAN STROKE JOURNAL. 2019;4(4):329-336
- Article: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE. 2019;14(7):715-722
- Article: NEUROLOGY. 2019;93(11):e1068-e1075
- Article: STROKE. 2019;50(9):2507-2512
- Article: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY. 2019;26(8):1091-1097
- Article: STROKE. 2019;50(5):1149-1155
- Article: STROKE AND VASCULAR NEUROLOGY. 2018;3(4):215-221
- Article: STROKE. 2018;49(7):1695-1700
- Article: EUROPEAN STROKE JOURNAL. 2018;3(1):39-46
- Article: EUROPEAN STROKE JOURNAL. 2018;3(1):29-38
- Article: STROKE. 2016;47(6):1493-1499
- Article: NEUROLOGY. 2015;85(24):2098-2106
- Article: STROKE. 2015;46(12):3423-3436
- Journal article: CIRCULATION. 2015;132(suppl_3)
- Article: STROKE. 2015;46(10):2981-2986
- Article: ANNALS OF NEUROLOGY. 2013;74(2):266-274
- Article: STROKE. 2013;44(6):1595-1600
- Article: LAKARTIDNINGEN. 2008;105(37):2486-2488
- Show more
All other publications
- Editorial comment: DIABETES OBESITY & METABOLISM. 2024;26(7):2527-2530
- Review: LAKARTIDNINGEN. 2023;120:23056
- Conference publication: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY. 2023;30:666
- Conference publication: NEUROLOGY. 2021;96(15)
- Conference publication: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE. 2021;16(2_SUPPL):21
- Conference publication: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE. 2020;15(1_SUPPL):48
- Conference publication: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY. 2020;27:80
- Conference publication: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE. 2020;15(1_SUPPL):338
- Conference publication: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE. 2020;15(1_SUPPL):338-339
- Letter: JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY. 2019;266(9):2324-2326
- Letter: NEUROLOGY. 2016;86(22):2115
- Conference publication: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE. 2015;10:25-26
- Review: LAKARTIDNINGEN. 2014;111(16-17):735-738
- Conference publication: CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASES. 2014;37:76-77
- Conference publication: CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASES. 2013;35:642
- Conference publication: CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASES. 2013;35:567
- Conference publication: FEBS JOURNAL. 2005;272:216
- Show more
- Swedish Research Council1 January 2017 - 31 December 2019
- Affiliated to Research, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, 2023-2026
Degrees and Education
- Docent, Karolinska Institutet, 2020
- Degree Of Doctor Of Philosophy, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, 2014