Louise Bergman
Project Coordinator
E-mail: louise.bergman@ki.se
Visiting address: Alfred Nobels Allé 10, plan 6, 14152 Huddinge
Postal address: TL Undervisning och lärande, 171 77 Stockholm
Part of:
About me
- On leave of absence.
*On leave of absence, please contact my colleagues at evaluation@ki.se
[1] or research group leader Terese Stenfors [2].*
I am a part of the Evaluation Unit (EVAL) [3]and the research group Learning
in Health Care Contexts [4]at the Department of Learning, Informatics,
Management and Ethics (LIME). My main area of interest is psychometrics and
measuring the psychological phenomena with the help of surveys.
A large part of my work is comissioned by the Board of Higher Education and
in that work I develop surveys to measure educational quality as perceived by
the students as well as analysing the results and present them to the Board.
I also lead and consult projects regarding giving advice to researchers,
educators, interest organisations and others who needs help developing and
conduct surveys as well as analyse and present the results.
* Structural Equational Modelling using Mplus, Utrecht Univeristy, 2017
* Master's degree in psychology, Stockholm University (2016)
* Bachelor's degree in psychology, Stockholm University (2014)
[1] mailto:evaluation@ki.se
[2] https://ki.se/en/people/terste
[3] https://ki.se/en/lime/evaluation-unit-eval
[4] https://ki.se/en/lime/learning-in-health-care-contexts
- My research regards psychometric investigation of course evaluation to better
understand what the measure (validity) and how reliable they are
(reliability). Current projects involve:
* Factors affecting the response rate of course evaluations
* Development of a validation model for course evaluation
* Development of a model for investigation of response rate bias in course
* What type of open questions lead to constructive answers from students