Karin Gunnarsson

Karin Gunnarsson

Phd Student
Visiting address: ,
Postal address: K2 Medicin, Solna, K2 KEP Askling Holmqvist, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • My name is Karin Gunnarsson and I work as a specialist doctor in Rheumatology
    in Karolinska University Hospital. I am also a PhD student since august 2020
    at the Institution of Medicine in Solna/clinical epidemiology division. Since
    six years I have had a special clinical interest in an uncommon rheumatic
    systemic disease called systemic sclerosis (SSc). This disease causes
    fibrosis in skin and inner organs and has among the highest mortality in all
    rheumatic diseases. I am now planning to profound my knowledge about SSc
    through PhD studies in the field.
    Medical docotors degree from the university of Linköping, graduated in
    Research school of epidemiology for clinicians, generation 19. Finishing in
    april 2022.


  • One of the most common causes of death in SSc is cancer. Therefore in my PhD
    projects I want to learn more about the correlation between SSc and cancer
    using data from national and local patient registers. As the disease is
    uncommon we plan to expand the number of patients by collaborating with
    researchers in Norway and Canada. I also plan to learn more about the genetic
    changes in patients with SSc and cancer by a collaboration with the the
    Icelandic company DeCODE.
    I believe that my projects will result in important knowledge about the risk
    factors for cancer in SSc patients which will help us to elaborate better
    cancer screening programs in SSc patients. My ultimate goal is to help to
    reduce the high mortality and loss of quality of life in SSc patients.



  • Phd Student, Department of Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, 2024-2025
  • Phd Student, Department of Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, 2023-2025

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