Juan Rodriguez

Juan Rodriguez

Postdoctoral Researcher
Visiting address: Nobels väg 12a, 17165 Solna
Postal address: C8 Medicinsk epidemiologi och biostatistik, C8 MEB Czene, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • My background is in molecular biology and genetics. I received my PhD degree in Medical Science in 2020 from Gothenburg University. The thesis focused on the comprehension of the mechanisms by which some apoptotic proteins are crucial for brain damage after asphyxia, and it showed a new therapeutic target for improving outcome after perinatal brain injury. Previously, I worked investigating novel molecular and genetic mechanisms underlying a neurodevelopmental disorder (Tourette syndrome). My research interests are mainly focused on genetics, molecular biology, and bioinformatics, applied to the study or treatment of human diseases.

    My current role is to perform a broad range of analyses of molecular and clinical data on large cohorts, using bioinformatics tools (R Studio and Jupyter Notebook). The research aims at acquiring a comprehensive picture of breast cancer risk and prognosis, studying the association between inherited genetic factors and prognosis. In addition, I am also studying blood-bound molecular markers (miRNA and DNA methylation) and assessing the impact of these markers on the risk of aggressive breast cancer.


  • My main role is to perform a broad range of analyses of molecular and
    clinical data on large cohorts, using bioinformatics tools (R Studio and
    Jupyter Notebook). The research aims at acquiring a comprehensive picture of
    breast cancer risk and prognosis, studying the association between inherited
    genetic factors and prognosis. Currently, women at high-risk of breast cancer
    are primarily identified on the basis of family history and mutation
    screening of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. Research over the past decade has,
    however, identified many additional variants associated with breast cancer.
    These include rare variants in so-called non-BRCA1/2 breast cancer genes,
    which confer a range of risks from “moderate” to “high”. In addition,
    more than 300 common variants (SNPs) have been also identified using GWAS
    We have examined the combined impact of common and rare variants on tumor
    characteristics, breast cancer survival, and risk of interval breast cancer
    (an aggressive subgroup of breast cancer that develops within the time
    interval between screening examinations). Multinomial logistic regression was
    used to assess the associations between mutations in 35 known and suspected
    breast cancer predisposition genes included in commercial panels or polygenic
    risk score (PRS) using more than 300 SNPs, tumor characteristics and interval
    cancer status. Breast cancer-specific survival was estimated using Cox
    regression models.
    In addition, we are also studying blood-bound molecular markers using
    multi-omics approaches and assessing the impact of these markers on the risk
    of aggressive breast cancer. The chosen molecular markers have been miRNA and
    DNA methylation, from plasma and blood samples respectively. For around 1, 000
    women, we will use high-throughput methods to measure a broad selection of
    multiple molecular markers from blood collected at baseline.


All other publications

  • Preprint: MEDRXIV. 2024;MEDRXIV
    Yiangou K; Mavaddat N; Dennis J; Zanti M; Wang Q; Bolla MK; Abubakar M; Ahearn TU; Andrulis IL; Anton-Culver H; Antonenkova NN; Arndt V; Aronson KJ; Augustinsson A; Baten A; Behrens S; Bermisheva M; de Gonzalez AB; Białkowska K; Boddicker N; Bodelon C; Bogdanova NV; Bojesen SE; Brantley KD; Brauch H; Brenner H; Camp NJ; Canzian F; Castelao JE; Cessna MH; Chang-Claude J; Chenevix-Trench G; Chung WK; NBCS Collaborators; Colonna SV; Couch FJ; Cox A; Cross SS; Czene K; Daly MB; Devilee P; Dörk T; Dunning AM; Eccles DM; Eliassen AH; Engel C; Eriksson M; Evans DG; Fasching PA; Fletcher O; Flyger H; Fritschi L; Gago-Dominguez M; Gentry-Maharaj A; González-Neira A; Guénel P; Hahnen E; Haiman CA; Hamann U; Hartikainen JM; Ho V; Hodge J; Hollestelle A; Honisch E; Hooning MJ; Hoppe R; Hopper JL; Howell S; Howell A; ABCTB Investigators; kConFab Investigators; Jakovchevska S; Jakubowska A; Jernström H; Johnson N; Kaaks R; Khusnutdinova EK; Kitahara CM; Koutros S; Kristensen VN; Lacey JV; Lambrechts D; Lejbkowicz F; Lindblom A; Lush M; Mannermaa A; Mavroudis D; Menon U; Murphy RA; Nevanlinna H; Obi N; Offit K; Park-Simon T-W; Patel AV; Peng C; Peterlongo P; Pita G; Plaseska-Karanfilska D; Pylkäs K; Radice P; Rashid MU; Rennert G; Roberts E; Rodriguez J; Romero A; Rosenberg EH; Saloustros E; Sandler DP; Sawyer EJ; Schmutzler RK; Scott CG; Shu X-O; Southey MC; Stone J; Taylor JA; Teras LR; van de Beek I; Willett W; Winqvist R; Zheng W; Vachon CM; Schmidt MK; Hall P; MacInnis RJ; Milne RL; Pharoah PDP; Simard J; Antoniou AC; Easton DF; Michailidou K
  • Review: NEURAL REGENERATION RESEARCH. 2021;16(2):205-213
    Rodriguez J; Li T; Xu Y; Sun Y; Zhu C

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