Jennifer Protudjer

Jennifer Protudjer

Affiliated to Research
Visiting address: Nobels väg 13, 17177 Stockholm
Postal address: C6 Institutet för miljömedicin, C6 Miljömedicinsk epidemiologi Bergström, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • Post-doc
    *Select grants*
    Better diagnosis and new treatments to prevent death by anaphylaxis (allergic
    shock) – Epidemiology and the clinical perspective fellowship. Donation by
    Karin and Sten Mörtstedt to the Karolinska Institutet’s Centre for Allergy
    Institute of Environmental Medicine, Karolinska Institutet
    Stockholm, Sweden
    Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Karolinska Institutet
    Stockholm, Sweden
    Department of Applied Health Sciences, University of Manitoba
    Winnipeg, Canada
    Master of
    Department of Human Nutritional Sciences, University of Manitoba
    Winnipeg, Canada
    Bachelor of
    Department of Human Nutritional Sciences, University of Manitoba
    Winnipeg, Canada
    Ecole Normale Cantonale I
    Fribourg, Switzerland


  • When parents are told that their child has a food allergy, one of the first
    questions that they ask is, ‘Will s/he grow out of it?’ Children and
    their families are often concerned, confused and overwhelmed.
    My current research focus is food allergy and anaphylaxis, the most severe
    and potentially fatal food allergic reaction. At present, I am supported by
    the fellowship, ‘Better diagnosis and new treatments to prevent death by
    anaphylaxis (allergic shock) – Epidemiology and the clinical perspective
    fellowship, ’ received from the Karin and Sten Mörtstedt Foundation to the
    Karolinska Institute’s Centre for Allergy.
    As a nutritionist, I am interested in the progression, prognosis and
    prediction of food allergy, which I am investigating using data from BAMSE,
    Barn Allergi Miljö Stockholm Epidemiologi Projektet (Children, Allergy and
    Environment in Stockholm: An Epidemiological Study). I am also involved in
    FoodHE, a series of case-control studies of children, youth and adults with
    objectively diagnosed allergies to cow’s milk, hen’s egg and/or wheat,
    and age- and sex-matched controls, in which we examined the associations
    between food allergy and household economic costs and quality of life.
    Other food allergy-related research interests include better understanding
    how children cope with their food allergies, including risk taking,
    possession and use of adrenaline autoinjectors (the only known treatment for
    anaphylaxis), as well as furthering knowledge on prevention of food
    allergies, and maintenance of tolerance following successful oral food
    I have also studied asthma, another allergic disease, as both an exposure and
    an outcome, in association with diet and activity, and puberty and growth.
    This work was conducted using Canadian data (from the Study of Allergy, Genes
    and the Environment) and Swedish data (BAMSE, and TCHAD – Twin Study of
    Child and Adolescent Development).


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