Henrika Florén
Educational Developer
E-mail: henrika.floren@ki.se
Telephone: +46852486057
Visiting address: Nobels väg 7, 17165 Solna
Postal address: TL Undervisning och lärande, TL Högskoleförlagd pedagogik, 171 77 Stockholm
Part of:
About me
- As an educational developer at the Unit for Teaching and Learning I focus on
education in digital environments.
PhD candidate at University College London, Institute of Education,
Department of Culture, Communication and Media.
MSc Didactic Science
MEd Education
MA English Linguistics
BA Science
Teacher certification
- I am a PhD candidate with UCL Institute of Education. I research
assessment of digital representations of knowledge in higher education in
- 285 HE credits of formal pedagogical education, of which 15 HE credits are in
Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 60 HE credits Science of Education
120 HE Credits Didactic Science, 90 HE credits Educational Work.
- Journal article: LEARNING MEDIA AND TECHNOLOGY. 2025;:1-15
- Educational Developer, Teaching and learning, Karolinska Institutet, 2020-
Leadership and responsibility assignments
- Project leader, Project: Use of generative AI for teaching and examination /Dnr: 1-687/2023, Teaching and Learning, Karolinska Institutet, https://staff.ki.se/generative-ai-and-teaching-advice-for-educators, 2023-2023
Conference/event participation
- Oral presenter of own accepted abstract, NU2024, NU, which stands for Network and Development, is Sweden's largest conference and meeting place for everyone with an interest in higher education teaching and learning training and development. Behind the conference is the Association of Swedish Higher Education Institutions (SUHF). The purpose of the conference is to promote pedagogical development work by offering a meeting place for dissemination, dialogue and debate. The conference is aimed at university teachers, educational developers, researchers in higher education pedagogy, academic leaders and students (translated from Swedish), https://nu2024.se/, Meeting AI as a disruptor and connector - creating learning together., https://beyond-production.objects.dc-sto1.glesys.net/projects/3dbde3a5-853e-465c-999b-f79b27db7e1b/documents/15mqBt77atYH0SLlU6g0RGa3QdWCs9EaPMQxw3Oz.html, 2024