Hélio Manhica

Hélio Manhica

Telephone: +46852485305
Visiting address: Alfred Nobels Allé 23, D2, Flemingsberg, 14183 Huddinge
Postal address: H1 Neurobiologi, vårdvetenskap och samhälle, H1 Omvårdnad Omv enhet 2, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • * Postdoc in social epidemiology within the Epidemiology of
    Psychiatric Conditions, Substance Use and Social Environment
    (EPICSS) group. 2018-2022
    * Course leader in a doctoral course (Migration and Health) at the
    Department of Public Health.2022
    * Managing Editor at European Journal of Public Health 2021-2022
    · PhD in Public Health Science: Title of PhD-thesis: Mental
    Health, Substance misuse and labour market participation in teenage refugees
    in Sweden- longitudinal perspective. 2017, Stockholm University in Sweden
    · Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, (GHPD) autumn
    2019. Karolinska Institute in Sweden.
    · The Swedish Interdisciplinary Graduate School in
    register-based research – SINGS. 2014-2016, Karolinska Institute in Sweden.
    · The SH-CAPAC training course ‘improving the health
    response to refugees, asylum seekers and other migrants. 2017, Granada, Spain


  • Multiple themes related to the short and long-term health and social effects
    of substance use among young adulthoods. Understanding the risk and
    protective factors in the context of the social environment, investigative
    risk groups for harmful effects of alcohol and drugs.
    Migration and social determinants of health
    Migration and Integration
    Psychiatric Health
    Research Methods


  • I have been involved in several different courses both as a lecturer and
    course leader. I have primarily been teaching students in Public Health
    Science and Nursing at KI, Sophiahemmet and Red Cross University.

    Course leader in a doctoral course (Migration and Health) at the Department of Public Health at KI
    Leactuer at Sophiahemmet Universiy, KI and RKH


All other publications



  • Lecturer, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Karolinska Institutet, 2024-
  • Lecturer, Department of Global Public Health, Karolinska Institutet, 2024-2024

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