Giulia Grillo Mikrut

Giulia Grillo Mikrut

Administrative Officer
Telephone: +46852486790
Mobile phone: +46702011526
Visiting address: Berzelius väg 3, 17165 Solna
Postal address: GVS Gemensamt verksamhetsstöd, GVS UFS stöd till Program- och utbildningsnämnder, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • International Coordinator at the Education Support Office at
    Karolinska Institutet.
    The programmes I work with are: Dentistry,
    Dental Hygiene, Biomedicine Bachelor and Master's, Master's in Toxicology, Master's in Bioentrepreneurship, Master's in Molecular Techniques in Life Science, NeurotechEU.
    Bachelor and Master's of Arts in English from Stockholm University.
    PhD in English from The University of Queensland, Brisbane (Australia).

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