Emma Swärdh
About me
I am a physiotherapist and work as an assistant senior lecturer at the Division of Physiotherapy. My expertise is largely in the areas of health promotion, health education, and behavioral medicine but I also have a strong commitment to sustainable development including planetary health and sustainable health care. I am a course leader in courses in the Physiotherapy program and teach in all its semesters.
I have an assignment as an environmental- and sustainability representative at NVS, and I am a member of the Council for Environment and Sustainable Development at KI. I´m also a member of the Environmental Physiotherapy Association executive committee. I have been active in the Swedish Association of Physiotherapists, as a board member of the working groups for Pain and Rheumatology.-
Over the years, I have had the privilege of lecturing, holding workshops, and creating educational materials for both the public, patient associations, the pharmaceutical industry, and media companies. I thus have good experience of working with Karolinska's third work area, and can highlight and disseminate research results and evidence, in a popular science and inspiring way. -
During the years 2015-2022 I worked in an interprofessional and patient-inclusive project "LiR - Levnadsvanor inom reumatologi" funded by the National Board of Health and Welfare. The project group developed a working model, the LiR model. The model provides a common knowledge base for different health professionals on the lifestyle habits of physical activity, diet, alcohol and tobacco, creates a simple workflow for employees in rheumatology and clarifies the patient's path to support in the change process.
In-depth skills development:-
(a selection of courses)
- Climate psychology
- Environmental psychology and design
- Behavioral change for sustainability
- Earth's climate and climate change
- Social sustainability from a public health perspective
- Educating for sustainable development
- Contributing to sustainable development through teaching
- Health promotion
- Health education
- Behavioral medicine methods in physiotherapy
- Basic higher education pedagogy
- Teaching in a glocal university
- Higher Education Didactics in Sustainability
- FAL - Future Academic Leaders
- Rhetoric and Climate Transition (ongoing)
Academic honours, awards and prizes
- 2024 Karolinska Institute Sustainability Award
- 2019 Ingrid Odéns Award for Research within Physiotherapy
- 2013 The Swedish Rheumatism Association Award for Reseqrch within Healthcare Science
- 2009 ARHP Graduate Student Award (American College of Rheumatology)
My research area currently focuses on education for sustainable development in Physiotherapy where I am the research leader in the project ESD-P Sweden. Previous research projects have included physical activity and behavior change in patients with rheumatic diseases.
I have a strong commitment to teaching, learning and pedagogy, have worked with teaching in about 20 different courses at basic and advanced level since 2007, and have developed teaching
- &
- learning as well as participated in pedagogical assignments for many years. Most of my teaching at the basic level has been within the physiotherapy program at KI semesters 1-6, but also within other courses at KI and outside KI. The advanced courses I have taught have been freestanding courses, courses within master programs and commissioned courses at KI. I have also planned and taught a MOOC course at KI.
I have been the course leader for courses at the basic level between 2014-2023, and for courses at the advanced level between 2012-2016, KI.
2023- Education Committee CNS, KI
2022- Education Counsil, Physiotherapy programme, KI
2015-2017 Education Counsil, Physiotherapy programme, KI
2015-2016 Education Committee NVS, KI
Selected publications
Article: PHYSIOTHERAPY THEORY AND PRACTICE. 2024;40(2):327-337
Article: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE. 2023;12(23):7348
Article: PHYSIOTHERAPY THEORY AND PRACTICE. 2022;38(11):1683-1692
Article: PHYSIOTHERAPY THEORY AND PRACTICE. 2021;37(9):963-972
Article: RMD OPEN. 2021;7(2):e001635
Article: PHYSICAL THERAPY. 2020;100(12):2144-2153
Article: DISABILITY AND REHABILITATION. 2015;37(9):757-762
Article: MUSCULOSKELETAL CARE. 2011;9(2):75-85
Article: DISABILITY AND REHABILITATION. 2010;32(10):816-825
Article: DISABILITY AND REHABILITATION. 2009;31(6):458-465
All other publications
Conference publication: ANNALS OF THE RHEUMATIC DISEASES. 2023;82:686.2-68687
Conference publication: SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF RHEUMATOLOGY. 2023;52:30-31
Conference publication: ANNALS OF THE RHEUMATIC DISEASES. 2019;78:1063
Conference publication: ANNALS OF THE RHEUMATIC DISEASES. 2018;77:1869
Conference publication: ANNALS OF THE RHEUMATIC DISEASES. 2017;76:1523
Review: BRITISH JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE. 2016;50(6):362-367
Review: LAKARTIDNINGEN. 2015;112:DP7X
Thesis / dissertation: 2013
Conference publication: ARTHRITIS & RHEUMATOLOGY. 2013;65:S352
Published conference paper: PHYSICAL THERAPY. 2008;88(9):1049-1060
- Assistant Senior Lecturer, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Karolinska Institutet, 2022-
Degrees and Education
- Degree Of Doctor Of Philosophy, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Karolinska Institutet, 2013
- Master Of Medical Science, Karolinska Institutet, 2006
- Bachelor Of Science In Physiotherapy, Karolinska Institutet, 2002
- Bachelor Of Medical Science, Karolinska Institutet, 2002