Elisabet Åkesson
Adjunct Senior Lecturer | Docent
E-mail: elisabet.akesson@ki.se
Visiting address: BioClinicum J9:20, Visionsgatan 4, 17164 Solna
Postal address: H1 Neurobiologi, vårdvetenskap och samhälle, H1 Neurogeriatrik Sundström, 171 77 Stockholm
About me
- I am Associate Professor in Clinical Neuroscience, Adjunct Senior Lecturer in
Clinical Neuroscience and Rehabilitation, Karolinska Institutet (KI) as well
as Head of The R&D Department at Stockholms Sjukhem, a non-profit hospital
and university health care unit (USV-unit). I together with colleauges study
experimental and clinical perspectives of spinal cord injury, stroke as well
as neurodegenerative disorders. Stockholms Sjukhem offers health care and
rehabilitation for these patient target groups which allows for us to create
a true translational research network:
[1] https://www.stockholmssjukhem.se/topplankar/forskning-och-utbildning/pagaende-forskning
- -------- *Experimental Research Focus* ---------------------------------------
Our interest is central nervous system lesions including spinal cord injury
and treatment strategies to counteract neurodegenerative processes. We
develop and utilize novel and unique model systems to evaluate specifically
human spinal cord injury processes and repair strategies. In addition, we
study host donor interactions including allogeneic responses to human neural
cell therapy.
We perform organotypic spinal cord slice cultures as well as co-cultures
including human neural cells, glial cell populations and/or human peripheral
blood mononuclear cells to follow spinal cord injury processes and
interactions between the injured spinal cord and potential donor neural
We have the opportunity to compare human neural cells of various origins and
from stem cell stage to more differentiated phenotypes concerning their
immunocompetence and potential in neural cell therapy. In collaborations with
others we utilize our cell and tissue slice systems to evaluate various
biomaterials as support in regenerative medicine as well as develop new
techniques in the expansion of neural cells for clinical application, such as
the patented device Biogrid (PMID: 21850297). The laboratory is located in
Bioclinicum Karolinska Institutet at North Campus in Solna in collaboration
with Erik Sundströms Research Group.
*Translational and Clinical Research Focus*
We also perform clinical research in the field of nervous system lesions,
neurodegenerative disorders, and rehabilitation. We participate in the
international clinical trials TransEuro and BOOSTB4.
Clinical rehabilitation and primary care research is ongoing at Stiftelsen
Stockholms Sjukhem, R&D unit, Rehabilitation, where E Åkesson Head of R&D
and MD, Rehabilitation Clinic.
Examples of clinical research studies at Rehabilitation, Stockholms Sjukhem
(SSH) [1]:
* Make My Day: Value Based Client Centered and ICT-supported primary and
secondary stroke prevention and rehabilitation after stroke, PI Ann-Helen
Patomella in collaboration with Eric Asaba, Susanne Guidetti, E Åkesson
et al..
* Stroke, Rehabilitative training and tactile massage, PI Elisabet Åkesson
* Implementation of HiBalance training/ Förbättrad balans och fysisk
aktivitet hos äldre - implementering av ett utmanande och progressivt
träningsprogram, PI Erika Franzén, Breiffni Leavy
* Oral screens in post stroke training: a randomized clinical trial, PI,
Gunilla Sandborgh Englund, KI
* Etablering av långsiktigt stöd efter förvärvad hjärnskada:
Implementering och erfarenheter av Hjärna Tillsammans, PI Lena von Koch
& Malin Tistad in collaboration with Susanne Guidetti, Elisabet Åkesson
* DISKO: An interactive distance solution for stroke rehabilitation in the
home setting, PIs E Åkesson & Susanne Palmcrants, in collaboration with
Jörgen Borg at DS Rehab medicine and Erika Franzén et al.
Xiaofei Li, Zaneta Andrusivova, Paulo Czarnewski, Alma Andersson, Christoffer
Mattsson Langseth, Daniel Gyllborg, Emelie Braun; Ludvig Larsson, Lijuan Hu,
Zjanna Alekseenko, Helena Kopp Kallner, Elisabet Åkesson, Igor Adameyko,
Mats Nilsson, Sten Linnarsson, Joakim Lundeberg and Erik Sundström. Decoding
spatiotemporal gene expression of the developing human spinal cord and
implications for ependymoma origin". *Nature Neuroscience*. 2022 Nov 25.
Accepted. BioRxiv: *doi:* https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.08.31.505986
Return to work after COVID-19: Experiences and expectations from the first
wave of COVID-19 in Stockholm. [2]
Asaba E, Farias L, Åkesson E
/PLoS One 2022 ;17(12):e0279000/
A genome-wide association study with tissue transcriptomics identifies
genetic drivers for classic bladder exstrophy. [3]
Mingardo E, Beaman G, Grote P, Nordenskjöld A, Newman W, Woolf AS, Eckstein
M, Hilger AC, Dworschak GC, Rösch W, Ebert AK, Stein R, Brusco A, Di Grazia
M, Tamer A, Torres FM, Hernandez JL, Erben P, Maj C, Olmos JM, Riancho JA,
Valero C, Hostettler IC, Houlden H, Werring DJ, Schumacher J, Gehlen J, Giel
AS, Buerfent BC, Arkani S, Åkesson E, Rotstein E, Ludwig M, Holmdahl G,
Giorgio E, Berettini A, Keene D, Cervellione RM, Younsi N, Ortlieb M, Oswald
J, Haid B, Promm M, Neissner C, Hirsch K, Stehr M, Schäfer FM, Schmiedeke E,
Boemers TM, van Rooij IALM, Feitz WFJ, Marcelis CLM, Lacher M, Nelson J, Ure
B, Fortmann C, Gale DP, Chan MMY, Ludwig KU, Nöthen MM, Heilmann S, Zwink N,
Jenetzky E, Odermatt B, Knapp M, Reutter H
/Commun Biol 2022 Nov;5(1):1203/
Two Years with COVID-19: The Electronic Frailty Index Identifies High-Risk
Patients in the Stockholm GeroCovid Study. [4]
Mak JKL, Eriksdotter M, Annetorp M, Kuja-Halkola R, Kananen L, Boström AM,
Kivipelto M, Metzner C, Bäck Jerlardtz V, Engström M, Johnson P, Lundberg
LG, Åkesson E, Sühl Öberg C, Olsson M, Cederholm T, Hägg S, Religa D,
Jylhävä J
/Gerontology 2022 Nov;():1-10/
Asaba Eric, Michael Sy, Roi Charles Pineda, Rebecca Aldrich, Tetsuya Anzai,
Peter Bontje, Ursa Bratun, Lisette Farias, Maria Kapanadze, Lea Suc and
Elisabet Åkesson. Return to work after COVID-19: an international
perspective, *World Federation of Occupational Therapists Bulletin*. 2022
Development of an Electronic Frailty Index for Hospitalized Older Adults in
Sweden. [5]
Mak JKL, Hägg S, Eriksdotter M, Annetorp M, Kuja-Halkola R, Kananen L,
Boström AM, Kivipelto M, Metzner C, Bäck Jerlardtz V, Engström M, Johnson
P, Lundberg LG, Åkesson E, Sühl Öberg C, Olsson M, Cederholm T, Jylhävä
J, Religa D
/J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 2022 Nov;77(11):2311-2319/
'Weaving lifestyle habits': Complex pathways to health for persons at risk
for stroke. [6]
Mälstam E, Asaba E, Åkesson E, Guidetti S, Patomella AH
/Scand J Occup Ther 2022 Feb;29(2):152-164/
Body mass index and Mini Nutritional Assessment-Short Form as predictors of
in-geriatric hospital mortality in older adults with COVID-19. [7]
Kananen L, Eriksdotter M, Boström AM, Kivipelto M, Annetorp M, Metzner C,
Bäck Jerlardtz V, Engström M, Johnson P, Lundberg LG, Åkesson E, Sühl
Öberg C, Hägg S, Religa D, Jylhävä J, Cederholm T
/Clin Nutr 2022 Dec;41(12):2973-2979/
Decreased Mortality Over Time During the First Wave in Patients With COVID-19
in Geriatric Care: Data From the Stockholm GeroCovid Study. [8]
Xu H, Garcia-Ptacek S, Annetorp M, Cederholm T, Engel G, Engström M,
Erlandsson H, Julius C, Kivipelto M, Lundberg LG, Metzner C, Sandberg L,
Skogö Nyvang J, Sühl Öberg C, Åkesson E, Religa D, Eriksdotter M
/J Am Med Dir Assoc 2021 Aug;22(8):1565-1573.e4/
In Vitro Study of Human Immune Responses to Hyaluronic Acid Hydrogels,
Recombinant Spidroins and Human Neural Progenitor Cells of Relevance to
Spinal Cord Injury Repair. [9]
Lin C, Ekblad-Nordberg Å, Michaëlsson J, Götherström C, Hsu CC, Ye H,
Johansson J, Rising A, Sundström E, Åkesson E
/Cells 2021 Jul;10(7):/
Self-organising human gonads generated by a Matrigel-based gradient system.
Oliver E, Alves-Lopes JP, Harteveld F, Mitchell RT, Åkesson E, Söder O,
Stukenborg JB
/BMC Biol 2021 Sep;19(1):212/
Transplantation of Human Neural Precursor Cells Reverses Syrinx Growth in a
Rat Model of Post-Traumatic Syringomyelia. [11]
Xu N, Xu T, Mirasol R, Holmberg L, Vincent PH, Li X, Falk A, Benedikz E,
Rotstein E, Seiger Å, Åkesson E, Falci S, Sundström E
/Neurotherapeutics 2021 Apr;18(2):1257-1272/
Spermatogonia Loss Correlates with LAMA 1 Expression in Human Prepubertal
Testes Stored for Fertility Preservation. [12]
Kurek M, Åkesson E, Yoshihara M, Oliver E, Cui Y, Becker M, Alves-Lopes JP,
Bjarnason R, Romerius P, Sundin M, Norén Nyström U, Langenskiöld C, Vogt
H, Henningsohn L, Petersen C, Söder O, Guo J, Mitchell RT, Jahnukainen K,
Stukenborg JB
/Cells 2021 Jan;10(2):/
Human ex vivo spinal cord slice culture as a useful model of neural
development, lesion, and allogeneic neural cell therapy. [13]
Lin C, Calzarossa C, Fernandez-Zafra T, Liu J, Li X, Ekblad-Nordberg Å,
Vazquez-Juarez E, Codeluppi S, Holmberg L, Lindskog M, Uhlén P, Åkesson E
/Stem Cell Res Ther 2020 Jul;11(1):320/
A qualitative study-Patient experience of tactile massage after stroke. [14]
Seiger Cronfalk B, Åkesson E, Nygren J, Nyström A, Strandell AM, Ruas J,
von Euler M
/Nurs Open 2020 Sep;7(5):1446-1452/
Thunborg, C., *Åkesson, E., * Leavy, B., Håkansson, K., Sindi, S., Solomon,
A., Levak, N. and Kivipelto, M. (2020), STRONGER 60+ Adaption of the
multimodal FINGER model to prevent cognitive decline in a Swedish primary
care rehabilitation unit: An effectiveness-implementation hybrid design.
*Alzheimer's Dement.*, 16: e042029. https://doi.org/10.1002/alz.042029 [15]
Translation and validation of two International Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Data
Sets-a modified process. [16]
Wahman K, Nilsson E, Antepohl W, Samuelsson K, Åkesson E, Kuhlefelt Sandberg
A, Augutis M
/Spinal Cord Ser Cases 2019 ;5():105/
Primary prevention of stroke: randomised controlled pilot trial protocol on
engaging everyday activities promoting health. [17]
Patomella AH, Guidetti S, Mälstam E, Eriksson C, Bergström A, Åkesson E,
Kottorp A, Asaba E
/BMJ Open 2019 Nov;9(11):e031984/
A Spatiotemporal Organ-Wide Gene Expression and Cell Atlas of the Developing
Human Heart. [18]
Asp M, Giacomello S, Larsson L, Wu C, Fürth D, Qian X, Wärdell E, Custodio
J, Reimegård J, Salmén F, Österholm C, Ståhl PL, Sundström E, Åkesson
E, Bergmann O, Bienko M, Månsson-Broberg A, Nilsson M, Sylvén C, Lundeberg
/Cell 2019 Dec;179(7):1647-1660.e19/
Identification of amino acid residues of nerve growth factor important for
neurite outgrowth in human dorsal root ganglion neurons. [19]
Dahlström M, Nordvall G, Sundström E, Åkesson E, Tegerstedt G, Eriksdotter
M, Forsell P
/Eur J Neurosci 2019 Nov;50(9):3487-3501/
Sexual health policies in stroke rehabilitation: A multi national study. [20]
Vikan JK, Nilsson MI, Bushnik T, Deng W, Elessi K, Frost-Bareket Y, Kovrigina
E, Shahwan J, Snekkevik H, Åkesson E, Stanghelle JK, Fugl-Meyer KS
/J Rehabil Med 2019 May;51(5):361-368/
Characterization of molecular mechanisms underlying the axonal
Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy caused by MORC2 mutations. [21]
Sancho P, Bartesaghi L, Miossec O, García-García F, Ramírez-Jiménez L,
Siddell A, Åkesson E, Hedlund E, Laššuthová P, Pascual-Pascual SI,
Sevilla T, Kennerson M, Lupo V, Chrast R, Espinós C
/Hum Mol Genet 2019 May;28(10):1629-1644/
Hormone Production by Human First-Trimester Gonads in a Functional In Vitro
System. [22]
Albalushi H, Sahlin L, Åkesson E, Kurek M, Kjartansdóttir KR, Lindh R,
Söder O, Rotstein E, Hovatta O, Stukenborg JB
/Endocrinology 2019 Jan;160(1):133-142/
A Combinatorial Approach to Induce Sensory Axon Regeneration into the Dorsal
Root Avulsed Spinal Cord. [23]
Hoeber J, König N, Trolle C, Lekholm E, Zhou C, Pankratova S, Åkesson E,
Fredriksson R, Aldskogius H, Kozlova EN
/Stem Cells Dev 2017 Jul;26(14):1065-1077/
Incidence, aetiology and injury characteristics of traumatic spinal cord
injury in Stockholm, Sweden: A prospective, population-based update. [24]
Joseph C, Andersson N, Bjelak S, Giesecke K, Hultling C, Nilsson Wikmar L,
Phillips J, Seiger Å, Stenimahitis V, Trok K, Åkesson E, Wahman K
/J Rehabil Med 2017 May;49(5):431-436/
Fetal CD103+ IL-17-Producing Group 3 Innate Lymphoid Cells Represent the
Dominant Lymphocyte Subset in Human Amniotic Fluid. [25]
Marquardt N, Ivarsson MA, Sundström E, Åkesson E, Martini E, Eidsmo L,
Mjösberg J, Friberg D, Kublickas M, Ek S, Tegerstedt G, Seiger Å, Westgren
M, Michaëlsson J
/J Immunol 2016 Oct;197(8):3069-3075/
Perforin Promotes Amyloid Beta Internalisation in Neurons. [26]
Lana E, Khanbolouki M, Degavre C, Samuelsson EB, Åkesson E, Winblad B, Alici
E, Lithner CU, Behbahani H
/Mol Neurobiol 2017 Mar;54(2):874-887/
A sensitive and reliable test instrument to assess swimming in rats with
spinal cord injury. [27]
Xu N, Åkesson E, Holmberg L, Sundström E
/Behav Brain Res 2015 Sep;291():172-183/
Transplanted Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Neural Progenitor
Cells Do Not Promote Functional Recovery of Pharmacologically
Immunosuppressed Mice With Contusion Spinal Cord Injury. [28]
Pomeshchik Y, Puttonen KA, Kidin I, Ruponen M, Lehtonen S, Malm T, Åkesson
E, Hovatta O, Koistinaho J
/Cell Transplant 2015 ;24(9):1799-812/
Neuroprotective effects of human spinal cord-derived neural precursor cells
after transplantation to the injured spinal cord. [29]
Emgård M, Piao J, Aineskog H, Liu J, Calzarossa C, Odeberg J, Holmberg L,
Samuelsson EB, Bezubik B, Vincent PH, Falci SP, Seiger Å, Åkesson E,
Sundström E
/Exp Neurol 2014 Mar;253():138-45/
Interplay between human microglia and neural stem/progenitor cells in an
allogeneic co-culture model. [30]
Liu J, Hjorth E, Zhu M, Calzarossa C, Samuelsson EB, Schultzberg M, Åkesson
/J Cell Mol Med 2013 Nov;17(11):1434-43/
Human neural stem/progenitor cells derived from embryonic stem cells and
fetal nervous system present differences in immunogenicity and
immunomodulatory potentials in vitro. [31]
Liu J, Götherström C, Forsberg M, Samuelsson EB, Wu J, Calzarossa C,
Hovatta O, Sundström E, Åkesson E
/Stem Cell Res 2013 May;10(3):325-37/
Biogrid--a microfluidic device for large-scale enzyme-free dissociation of
stem cell aggregates. [32]
Wallman L, Åkesson E, Ceric D, Andersson PH, Day K, Hovatta O, Falci S,
Laurell T, Sundström E
/Lab Chip 2011 Oct;11(19):3241-8/
Forced Runx1 expression in human neural stem/progenitor cells transplanted to
the rat dorsal root ganglion cavity results in extensive axonal growth
specifically from spinal cord-derived neurospheres. [33]
König N, Åkesson E, Telorack M, Vasylovska S, Ngamjariyawat A, Sundström
E, Oster A, Trolle C, Berens C, Aldskogius H, Seiger Å, Kozlova EN
/Stem Cells Dev 2011 Nov;20(11):1847-57/
Markers of pluripotency and differentiation in human neural precursor cells
derived from embryonic stem cells and CNS tissue. [34]
Sundberg M, Andersson PH, Åkesson E, Odeberg J, Holmberg L, Inzunza J, Falci
S, Öhman J, Suuronen R, Skottman H, Lehtimäki K, Hovatta O, Narkilahti S,
Sundström E
/Cell Transplant 2011 ;20(2):177-91/
Human neural stem cells and astrocytes, but not neurons, suppress an
allogeneic lymphocyte response. [35]
Akesson E, Wolmer-Solberg N, Cederarv M, Falci S, Odeberg J
/Stem Cell Res 2009 Jan;2(1):56-67/
Long-term survival, robust neuronal differentiation, and extensive migration
of human forebrain stem/progenitor cells transplanted to the adult rat dorsal
root ganglion cavity. [36]
Akesson E, Sandelin M, Kanaykina N, Aldskogius H, Kozlova EN
/Cell Transplant 2008 ;17(10-11):1115-23/
Analysis of NR3A receptor subunits in human native NMDA receptors. [37]
Nilsson A, Eriksson M, Muly EC, Akesson E, Samuelsson EB, Bogdanovic N,
Benedikz E, Sundström E
/Brain Res 2007 Dec;1186():102-12/
On the role of NR3A in human NMDA receptors. [38]
Eriksson M, Nilsson A, Samuelsson H, Samuelsson EB, Mo L, Akesson E, Benedikz
E, Sundström E
/Physiol Behav 2007 Sep;92(1-2):54-9/
Long-term culture and neuronal survival after intraspinal transplantation of
human spinal cord-derived neurospheres. [39]
Akesson E, Piao JH, Samuelsson EB, Holmberg L, Kjaeldgaard A, Falci S,
Sundström E, Seiger A
/Physiol Behav 2007 Sep;92(1-2):60-6/
Cellular composition of long-term human spinal cord- and forebrain-derived
neurosphere cultures. [40]
Piao JH, Odeberg J, Samuelsson EB, Kjaeldgaard A, Falci S, Seiger A,
Sundström E, Akesson E
/J Neurosci Res 2006 Aug;84(3):471-82/
Low immunogenicity of in vitro-expanded human neural cells despite high MHC
expression. [41]
Odeberg J, Piao JH, Samuelsson EB, Falci S, Akesson E
/J Neuroimmunol 2005 Apr;161(1-2):1-11/
Cloning and expression of the human N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor subunit
NR3A. [42]
Eriksson M, Nilsson A, Froelich-Fabre S, Akesson E, Dunker J, Seiger A,
Folkesson R, Benedikz E, Sundström E
/Neurosci Lett 2002 Mar;321(3):177-81/
Solid human embryonic spinal cord xenografts in acute and chronic spinal cord
cavities: a morphological and functional study. [43]
Akesson E, Holmberg L, Jönhagen ME, Kjaeldgaard A, Falci S, Sundström E,
Seiger A
/Exp Neurol 2001 Aug;170(2):305-16/
MHC antigen expression in human first trimester spinal cord with implications
for clinical transplantation procedures. [44]
Akesson E, Markling L, Kjaeldgaard A, Falci S, Ringdén O
/J Neuroimmunol 2000 Nov;111(1-2):210-4/
Ionotropic glutamate receptor expression in human spinal cord during first
trimester development. [45]
Akesson E, Kjaeldgaard A, Samuelsson EB, Seiger A, Sundström E
/Brain Res Dev Brain Res 2000 Jan;119(1):55-63/
Nerve growth factor-induced stimulation of dorsal root ganglion/spinal cord
co-grafts in oculo: enhanced survival and growth of CGRP-immunoreactive
sensory neurons. [46]
Miller KE, Akesson E, Seiger A
/Cell Tissue Res 1999 Nov;298(2):243-53/
Human embryonic spinal cord grafts in adult rat spinal cord cavities:
survival, growth, and interactions with the host. [47]
Akesson E, Kjaeldgaard A, Seiger A
/Exp Neurol 1998 Jan;149(1):262-76/
Obliteration of a posttraumatic spinal cord cyst with solid human embryonic
spinal cord grafts: first clinical attempt. [48]
Falci S, Holtz A, Akesson E, Azizi M, Ertzgaard P, Hultling C, Kjaeldgaard A,
Levi R, Ringden O, Westgren M, Lammertse D, Seiger A
/J Neurotrauma 1997 Nov;14(11):875-84/
First trimester development of the human nigrostriatal dopamine system. [49]
Almqvist PM, Akesson E, Wahlberg LU, Pschera H, Seiger A, Sundstrom E
/Exp Neurol 1996 Jun;139(2):227-37/
Motor performance score: a new algorithm for accurate behavioral testing of
spinal cord injury in rats. [50]
von Euler M, Akesson E, Samuelsson EB, Seiger A, Sundstrom E
/Exp Neurol 1996 Feb;137(2):242-54/
[1] https://eur01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.stockholmssjukhem.se%2Ftopplankar%2Fenglish&data=05%7C01%7Celisabet.akesson%40ki.se%7C60b84f48078042a86fc808dae1b9a5cf%7Cbff7eef1cf4b4f32be3da1dda043c05d%7C0%7C0%7C638070484729745904%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=8tKMrsft5E0b4KQfTzv52wWTSkMCCNZ4M3%2FAk3EGUAY%3D&reserved=0
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[19] www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31301255
[20] www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30938448
[21] www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30624633
[22] www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30418555
[23] www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28562227
[24] www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28451696
[25] www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27591320
[26] www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26780457
[27] www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25986406
[28] www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25203632
[29] www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24412492
[30] www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24034597
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- I have been supervisor for in total 6 doctoral students (3 as main supervisor
and 3 as co-supervisor) at Karolinska Institutet who today hold their PhD. I
am at present co-supervisor of yet another 3 PhD-students.
I am at present Course organiser (together with C. Graff & H. Karlström) and
Examinator of the Master and Doctoral level Course: Neurodegenerative
disorders I - Genes, mechanisms and clinical aspects #5572, Karolinska
Institutet (Previously called #2629 at
KI).https://kiwas.ki.se/kiwasadmin/courses/showCourseoccasion?id=9711 [1]
[1] https://kiwas.ki.se/kiwasadmin/courses/showCourseoccasion?id=9711
- Article: GERODONTOLOGY. 2024;41(3):376-384
- Article: HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE IN THE COMMUNITY. 2023;2023:1-15
- Article: BMC NEUROLOGY. 2023;23(1):356
- Article: NATURE NEUROSCIENCE. 2023;26(5):891-901
- Article: GERONTOLOGY. 2023;69(4):396-405
- Article: PLOS ONE. 2023;18(9):e0291237
- Article: CLINICAL NUTRITION. 2022;41(12):2973-2979
- Article: COMMUNICATIONS BIOLOGY. 2022;5(1):1203
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- Corrigendum: STEM CELL RESEARCH & THERAPY. 2020;11(1):369
- Corrigendum: NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS. 2002;331(1):69-70
- Doctoral thesis: 2000
- Adjunct Senior Lecturer, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Karolinska Institutet, 2016-2026
Degrees and Education
- Docent, Karolinska Institutet, 2009
- University Medical Degree, Karolinska Institutet, 2005
- Doctor Of Philosophy, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Karolinska Institutet, 2000