Caroline Dartora

Caroline Dartora

Postdoctoral Researcher
Visiting address: Blickagången 16, 14152 Huddinge
Postal address: H1 Neurobiologi, vårdvetenskap och samhälle, H1 Klinisk geriatrik Westman, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • Postdoc at NVS, working in understand the differences between biological and chronological age through brain MRI.

    2021 - Present Westman's Neuroimaging group, KI, Sweden. Working with a deep learning model for biological brain age prediction using MR images.
    2014 - 2021 Medical Image Computing Laboratory (MEDICOM), PUCRS, Brazil. Medical image processing techniques and quantitative analysis in X ray, CT, SPECT, PET, and MR images. Experience with PET quantification, Monte Carlo simulation for internal dosimetry, radiomics, statistics, and machine learning methods.

    2017 - 2021 - PhD in Biomedical Gerontology: Biological Aspects of Aging, PUCRS, Brazil.
    2019 - 2020 - Visiting PhD student, KU Leuven, Belgium.
    2015 - 2017 - Master's degree in Biomedical Engineering, PUCRS, Brazil.
    2011 - 2014 - Bachelor's in Medical Physics, PUCRS, Brazil.

    Grants and Awards
    2023 - 2024 Postdoctoral grant from the David och Astrid Hageléns Foundation, Stockholm, Sweden.
    2022 &
  • 2023 Gun och Bertil Stohnes Stiftelse, Sweden.
    2023 Stiftelsen för Gamla Tjänarinnor, Sweden.
    2022 Foundation for Geriatric Disease at Karolinska Institutet, Sweden.
    2020 Alzheimer's Association International Conference (AAIC) Travel Award, Alzheimer's Association.
    2020 Best poster award, University Medical Center Groningen.
    2020 COVID19 Best Paper Award, IEEE Computer Society.
    2019 Programa Institucional de Internacionalização CAPES - PrInt, CAPES (International PhD scholarship).
    2017 Programa de Excelência Acadêmica PROEX – IES Comunitárias, CAPES (Full PhD scholarship).


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