Camilla Liljendahl

Camilla Liljendahl

Telephone: +46852483925
Visiting address: Alfred Nobels Allé 23, 14183 Huddinge
Postal address: H1 Neurobiologi, vårdvetenskap och samhälle, H1 Central Ledningsadm Administration, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • I am the Superintendant for Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and 
    Society (NVS).


    My role includes being responsible for Fire safety, IT and Security 
    for NVS. I am also the contact person for NVS towards Property and Facilities
    office, the Purchase and Procurement Unit , Akademiska hus, the travel agency, KI's 
    procured cleaning supplier.


    Everything related to renting or renovations of new or existing facilities,  
    purchase of furnitures, other purchases relating to the house, contact with
    our procured IT-consulting broker Keyman (to create websites, apps, etc),
    Security issues, IT-issues, Fire safety, Moves, Questions about cleaning NVS
    rented facilitys go through me.


    My background:


    I have a background in purchasing and procurement at Government authorities


    Purchasing Manager-IT at Södertörn University for 13 years

    Buyer at the Public Health Agency of Sweden for 5 years

    Purchasing manager for NVS (KI) for 4 years.


    In addition to my work roles above, I have worked in other administrative roles at Government authorities since 1995.




    I have a degree as a certified buyer through Silf Competence. 


    I have attended all courses to become a certified procurement officer through Silf Competence, but have not graduated yet.


    Purchase education at Folkuniversitet

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