Annina Ropponen

Annina Ropponen

Principal Researcher
Visiting address: Avd försäkringsmedicin, Karolinska Institutet, 17177 Stockholm
Postal address: K8 Klinisk neurovetenskap, K8 Fm Svedberg, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • I'm a principal researcher at Pia Svedberg's research group and docent in
    public health.
    I'm a very committed person (both at work and outside work), follow high
    standards for my work, requiring much from myself but also encouraging my
    collaborating partners to strive high. At my leisure-time, I do some
    scientific writing, but also spend time with my teenager and adult kid (and
    husband) and do as much sports as I can. I enjoy very much baking and
    cooking. In particular, I love having fun, verbal acrobatics and my motto is
    "things usually sort out".
    Docent in University of Helsinki, Finland (Public health) 2013, PhD in
    University of Jyväskylä, Finland (Exercise medicine) 2006, MSc in
    University of Jyväskylä, Finland (physiotherapy and teacher of health
    science) 1998, Physical therapist in Lappeenrannan
    terveydenhuolto-oppilaitos, Finland 1992.


  • Since 2006, I have had the privilege to collaborate with KI. Since 2018 I
    have had a position at CNS/IM at KI alongside with my professorship at the
    Finnish Institute of Occupational Health. While running various projects
    about sickness absence and disability pension based on survey and register
    data of Swedish twins, I'm also interested about sustainable working life and
    utilizing machnine learning and other data-driven models.


  • I have done my share of teaching in ergonomics, both lecturing and being
    supervisor for tens of bachelor and master theses of ergonomics in the
    University of Kuopio (currently University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio
    campus). I've also been involved in the development of web-based teaching and
    written an article about internet course: Ropponen A. Experiences of learning
    and satisfaction with teaching of basic courses of ergonomics over Internet -
    the Ergonetti program. Education and Information Technologies. 2009; 14:


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