Anne H Berman

Anne H Berman

Lecturer | Docent
Visiting address: Norra Stationsgatan 69, 11364 Stockholm
Postal address: K8 Klinisk neurovetenskap, K8 CPF Jayaram/Hammarberg, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • I am an Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology, investigating digital interventions for addictive behaviors at Karolinska Institutet. I also am a full Professor of Psychology at the Division of Clinical Psychology, Department of Psychology, Uppsala University, where my research focus is on a broader spectrum of mental health problems and digital interventions among university students. From 2020 and onwards I have thus been teaching and doing research at Uppsala University, affiliated in parallel with Karolinska Institutet. I am currently also Scientific Counsel on psychological aspects of alcohol and drug use at the National Board of Health and Welfare ( and recently participated as an expert in the government White Paper on Drugs (Narkotikautredningen). I conduct my research together with fellow researchers, post-doctoral and doctoral students.

    Earlier, I served as Director of the National Telephone Support Line for Problem Gamblers ( 2015-2019. In 2018, in collaboration with local and national experts, I launched a free Swedish-langugage online course on problem gambling for staff in social and healthcare services who encounter persons with gambling problems. An important contribution I am responsible for is development of the Drug Use Disorders Identification Test (DUDIT) and its in-depth correlate, the DUDIT-E. I have taught behavioral medicine and problematic substance use treatment research at advanced undergraduate and graduate levels. I worked clinically for 10 years as a psychotherapist at the Stockholm Center for Dependency Disorders and have been a member of the Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers (MINT) since 2002. I have served two terms as President of the Swedish Behavioral Medicine Society, 2009-2015 and 2017-2021. I am currently Past President of the International Society of Behavioral Medicine (ISBM) after serving as Chair of the Education and Training Committee 2010-2018, President-Elect 2018-2021 and President 2021-2023. I also currently serve as a board member of the Swedish Behavioral Medicine Society and of the Swedish Existential Psychotherapy Society (

    PhD students and postdoctoral researchers


    Ella Tiblin, registered autumn 2020 at Uppsala University, completed half-time control October 2022, PhD defense planned for 2025. Co-supervisor
    Danilo Romero, registered 2020-02-21 at Karolinska Institutet, completed half-time control June 2022, PhD defense planned for 2025. Co-supervisor


    Elisabeth Petersén, PhD, Karolinska Institutet, June 2024. Main supervisor.

    Karoline Kolaas, PhD, Karolinska Institutet, October 2023. Main supervisor.
    Viktor Månsson, PhD, Karolinska Institutet, April 2023. Main supervisor.
    Olof Molander, PhD, Karolinska Institutet, March 2022. Main supervisor.
    Niels Eék, Gothenburg University, March 2022, Co-supervisor.
    Magnus Johansson, PhD, Karolinska Institutet, September 2020. Co-supervisor.
    Christopher Sundström, PhD, Karolinska Institutet, December 2017. Main supervisor.
    Lena Bergdahl, PhD, Uppsala University, June 2017. Co-supervisor.
    Mikael Gajecki, PhD, Karolinska Institutet, June 2016. Main supervisor.
    Kristina Sinadinovic, PhD, Karolinska Institutet, June 2012. Main supervisor.


  • Postdoctoral supervision 

  • 2022- Naira Topooco, PhD, 100%, UU, researcher
    2022-2023 Olga Perski, PhD, 20%, UU, researcher
    2020-2022 Christopher Sundström, PhD, 20%, KI
    2019-2020 Philip Lindner, PhD, 40%, KI
    2016-2020 Mikael Gajecki, PhD, 20%, KI
    2012-2016 Kristina Sinadinovic, PhD, 50%, KI
    2009-2014 Claes Andersson, PhD, Associate Professor, Malmö högskola, Affiliated to Lund University and Uppsala University

    Advanced Psychotherapy Degree, 2007, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden

    PhD, 2004, Psychology, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden

    MSc, 1998, Clinical Psychology, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden

    Diploma in Law, 1995, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden

    B.A., 1980, Haifa University, Haifa, Israel

    Academic honours, awards and prizes
    2023- ISBM Outstanding Service Award in Behavioral Medicine

    2018 - ISBM Distinguished Career Contribution Award in Behavioral Medicine.

    2015 - EiNAR (Excellence in Neuroscience Research) award for first KI MOOC, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, KI

    2008 - Best abstract in Behavioral Medicine, ICBM 2008, Tokyo, Japan

    2005 - Best PhD dissertation in Psychology 2004, Stockholm University, Department of Psychology


  • Digital interventions to mitigate problematic substance use - a minimal intervention with screening and feedback for both alcohol and drug use - internet-based self-help in Swedish via for help-seekers from the general population, a naturalistic study
    Smartphone apps for reducing overconsumption of alcohol - studies among university students
    Internet-based treatment with and without counselor support for reducing problematic alcohol use in the general population.
    Ongoing studies on digital interventions for problematic substance use among patients in psychiatry
    Ongoing studies on digital interventions for healthy lifestyle promotion among patients in primary care

    Development of the Gambling Disorders Identification Test (completed PhD projects)
    Development of novel treatment protocols on gambling and in primary care (completed PhD projects)
    Children of prisoners

    EU-project 2010-2012 where I was responsible for the Sweden arm
  • other countries were Romania, Germany and the UK (coordinator Professor Adele Jones, University of Huddersfield)
    Population study on wellbeing and difficulties among Swedish children 11-17 years old, including self- and parental ratings
  • see publication list
    Motivational Interviewing in Addiction care

    A study in a drug detoxification unit
    Analyses of patient and counselor utterances
    Education in Behavioral Medicine

    Ongoing inter-professional course in Applied Behavioral Medicine, KI
    International MOOC in Behavioral Medicine, KIBEHMEDx

    LIVE INCITE aimed to empower patients and support lifestyle changes in order to improve outcomes of surgical procedures as well as cost effectiveness of healthcare providers. The EU funded project was a collaboration between Sweden, Spain and Denmark. Through the use of pre-commercial procurement LIVE INCITE aimed to both challenge and stimulate the market to develop patient-centered interactive IT-solutions, promoting lifestyle changes. I was the lead for KI:s partnership in the LIVE INCITE project.


  • I have been teaching Behavioral Medicine since 2005, with an inter-professional course for psychology, medicine and physiotherapy students and professionals running both fall and spring terms every year. The course runs in Swedish during the last five weeks of every term. My collaborator is Gabriele Biguet, Physiotherapy Division, Department of Neurobiology, Caring Sciences and Society. For more information about current courses, click here. The course was given for the last time in the fall of 2024. 

  • Alongside the live course, the MOOC on Behavioral Medicine, KIBEHMEDx (enroll as external user), has been available since the fall of 2014. This course is open to anyone, anywhere, at any time.

    Att Uppsala University I teach existential psychology, addiction psychology, motivational interviewing, assessment and psychometrics and digital psychology, as well as supervising and examining theses at different levels.


All other publications



  • Lecturer, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, 2019-

Degrees and Education

  • Docent, Karolinska Institutet, 2011

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