Anna Nager

Anna Nager

Affiliated to Research | Docent
Visiting address: Alfred Nobels Allé 23, 14183 Huddinge
Postal address: H1 Neurobiologi, vårdvetenskap och samhälle, H1 Allmänmedicin och primärvård, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • I am a specialist in general medicine with docent-level competence. I have
    worked clinically as a general practitioner for more than 20 years. My
    research is strongly grounded in family medicine and extends to psychiatric
    illness, respiratory diseases and informatics in primary care. I am an
    affiliated researcher at Karolinska Institutet. My main occupation is as
    editor-in-chief of Medibas, an internet handbook for primary care. I am also
    assistant editor-in-chief of Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care [1].

    2020, Docent-level competence
    2011, Specialist in Family medicine
    2009, Doctoral degree
    1999, Medical Doctor (License to practise)
    1997, University Medical Degree (Läkarexamen), Karolinska Institutet


  • My dissertation was a registry study of sociodemographic and medical factors
    associated with postpartum psychosis, as well as long-term follow-up of
    postpartum psychosis.
    My current research field is psychiatric diagnoses in primary care. During
    2013–2017, I was principal investigator for the SAFARI study, which
    investigated treatment methods for psychiatric diagnoses in primary care.
    SAFARI was a collaborative project between three regions (Västra Götaland,
    Västmanland and Stockholm). In the DUDE study, where I am principal
    investigator, we study differences in biomarkers between stress-induced
    exhaustion disorder and major depression.
    Another research field is respiratory diseases. As a principal investigator
    for the PRIMAIR study, we have in an RCT at primary health centers in
    Stockholm, studied the effect of continuing education about COPD to general
    practitioners for outcomes in patients with COPD. The patients' information
    needs for COPD have also been investigated. The PRIMAIR study has been
    incorporated into the PRAXIS study, which is a longitudinal study in which
    materials on patients with COPD and asthma, both in primary care and in
    hospitals, have been collected on several occasions since 2005 from several
    regions (Uppsala, Örebro, Dalarna, Värmland and Stockholm).
    I have been / am the main supervisor for four PhD candidates, of which two 
    have defended their doctoral theses (planned disseration for the third PhD
    candidate is in 2025). I have been / are co-supervisor for four PhD
    candidates, of which three have defended their doctoral theses.
    I have over 40 published scientific papers.


  • During 2014–2016 I was a senior lecturer at Karolinska Institutet, Division
    of Family Medicine and Primary Care. I teached at the primary health care
    thread (strimman) that runs throughout the whole medical program, and at the
    course of scientific methodology at the fifth term of the medical program at
    Karolinska Institutet. The teaching included lecturing, leading group
    seminars, examinations and course planning.
    During 2009–2016 I was course leader at the research methodology course for
    family doctors at specialist training writing a scientific paper / essay
    (VESTA), held by Region Stockholm (CeFAM). As course leader I participated in
    developing, planning and evaluating the course. I also teached in lectures
    and group seminars and tutored doctors in writing their scientific papers
    /essays (altogether 14 doctors).
    During 2012–2016 I was chair of the steering group for the research school
    in Primary Health Care, Karolinska Institutet.


All other publications



  • Affiliated to Research, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Karolinska Institutet, 2023-2026

Degrees and Education

  • Docent, Karolinska Institutet, 2020
  • Degree Of Doctor Of Philosophy, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Karolinska Institutet, 2009
  • University Medical Degree, Karolinska Institutet, 1997

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