FAQ Doctoral Education at MMK

Establishment of doctoral position

1. How should the applicant estimate “Preliminary time plan for judging the feasibility as doctoral project”?

If the research will be conducted in Sweden, the time needed will be approximately 4-6 weeks. If the research will be conducted outside Sweden and ethical issues are not clear, it will take longer time.

2. Do we need a Green light specific for each doctoral position?


3. Can a doctoral position be established where the candidate has own external funding for salary?

A doctoral student has to have a salary paid from KI beginning latest 12 months after start. The first year, the doctoral student can have a stipend if he/she has not been previously employed by KI, and the funding source approves the funding to be used as stipend. Exception to this rule is that longer time on stipend is accepted if the doctoral position is within an established collaboration between KI and other party, e.g. China Scholarship Council (CSC) (scholarship). Also, the doctoral candidate must have been selected in competition.

Recruitment, Admission decision

1. Can the research studies planned include a study that was already published?

No, the research education starts after admission to research education.

2. How many studies should be planned for?

For dissertation, the thesis studies should correspond to 4 years full-time research education studies at an internationally esteemed university. Two scientific articles should be published or accepted for publication at date of application for dissertation. We suggest that the planned research is divided in 3-5 studies, although this partition may not necessarily correspond exactly to different planned articles.

During doctoral studies

What conference participation gives D-credits?


Active participation by presentation (poster or oral presentation) of own research results produced during your research education a conference organized by an international scientific organisation.


Individual study plan (ISP)

According to the Higher Education Ordinance (HF, 6 chapter, section 29) an individual study plan (ISP) shall be drawn up for each doctoral student. This study plan shall contain the undertakings made by the doctoral student and the university. The ISP shall be adopted after consultation with the doctoral student and their supervisors. The ISP shall be reviewed regularly and amended to the extent required.

Application for dissertation

1. Do I need 4 years of full-time research education studies?

Yes, but the dissertation committee might give an exemption.

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