Publikationer relaterade till CEMTE

Publikationer, referee bedömda artiklar, konferensbidrag och andra artiklar relaterade till projektet.

Referee-bedömda artiklar

Weurlander, M., Wänström, L., Seeberger, A., Lönn, A., Barman, L., Hult, H., Thornberg, R. & Wernerson, A. (2024) Development and validation of the physician self-efficacy to manage emotional challenges Scale (PSMEC)BMC Medical Education 24, 228. 

Lönn, A., Weurlander, M., Seeberger, A., Hult, H., Thornberg, R. & Wernerson, A. (2023) The impact of emotionally challenging situations on medical students’ professional identity formationAdvances in Health Sciences Education 28, 1557–1578. 

Thornberg R., Wärnström, L., Lindqvist, H., Weurlander, M., & Wernerson, A. (2023). Motives to become a teacher, coping strategies, teacher efficacy and mental health among Swedish student teachers. European Journal of Teacher Education. 

Lindqvist, H., Weurlander, M., Barman, L., Wernerson, A., & Thornberg, R. (2023). Lack of progression as the dividing line: Mentoring teachers’ perspectives of student teachers’ coping with emotional challenges. Teacher Development, 28(1), 1-18

Lindqvist, H., Weurlander, M., Barman, L., Wernerson, A., & Thornberg, R. (2023). Work-based learning partnerships: mentor-teachers’ perceptions of student teachers’ challengesEducational Research, 65(3), 392-407.

Lindqvist, H., Weurlander, M., Barman, L., Wernerson, A., & Thornberg, R. (2024). Mentoring teachers’ descriptions of preferable actions related to emotional challenging episodes in work-based learning. Mentoring and Tutoring: Partnership in Learning. 

Barman, L., Weurlander, M., Lindqvist, H., Lönn, A., Thornberg, R., Hult, H., ... & Wernersson, A. (2023). Hardness or Resignation: How Emotional Challenges During Work-Based Education Influence the Professional Becoming of Medical Students and Student TeachersVocations and Learning, 1-21.

Lindqvist, H., Weurlander, M., Wernerson, A., & Thornberg, R. (2022). The emotional journey of the beginning teacher: Phases and coping strategies. Research Papers in Education.

Lindqvist, H., Weurlander, M., Wernerson, A., & Thornberg, R. (2022) Emotional responses to challenges to emerging teacher identities in teacher education: Student teachers’ perspectives on suitability. Journal of Education for Teaching.

Lindqvist, H., Thornberg, R, Weurlander, M., & Wernerson, A. (2021). Change advocacy: Student teachers and beginning teachers coping with emotionally challenging situations. Teachers and Teaching: Theory & Practice.

Lindqvist, H., Weurlander, M., Wernerson, A., & Thornberg, R. (2020). Talk of teacher burnout among student teachers. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research.

Lindqvist, H., Thornberg, R., & Colnerud, G. (2020). Ethical dilemmas at work placements in teacher education. Teaching Education.

Seeberger, A., Lönn, A., Hult, H., Weurlander, M. & Wernerson, A. (2020) Can empathy be preserved during medical education?  International Journal of Medical Education, 11, 83-89. DOI: 10.5116/ijme.5e83.31cf 

Weurlander, M (2020) Becoming a physician involves learning to manage uncertainty and learning how to fail. Commentary. Medical Education, 54: 776-778. doi:10.1111/medu.14255

Weurlander, M., Lönn, A., Seeberger, A., Hult, H, Thornberg, R. & Wernerson, A. (2019) Emotional challenges of medical students generate feelings of uncertainty. Medical Education, 53: 1037–1048. DOI: 10.1111/medu.13934

Lindqvist, H. (2019). Student teachers’ use of strategies to cope with emotionally challenging situations in teacher education. Journal of Education for Teaching, 45, 540-552.

Lindqvist, H., Weurlander, M., Wernerson, A., & Thornberg, R. (2019). Conflicts viewed through the micro-political lens: Beginning teachers’ coping strategies for emotionally challenging situations. Research Papers in Education, 35, 746-765.

Lindqvist, H., Weurlander, M., Wernerson, A., & Thornberg, R. (2019) Boundaries as coping: Emotional labour and relationship maintenance in distressing teacher education situations. European Journal of Teacher Education, 42, 634-649.

Weurlander, M., Lönn, A., Seeberger, A., Broberger, E., Hult, H. & Wernerson, A. (2018) How do medical and nursing students experience emotional challenges during clinical placements? International Journal of Medical Education, 9:74-82.

Lindqvist, H., Weurlander, M., Wernerson, A., & Thornberg, R. (2017). Resolving feelings of professional inadequacy: Student teachers’ coping with distressful situations. Teaching and Teacher Education, 64, 270–279.

Weurlander, M., Scheja, M., Hult, H. & Wernerson, A. (2012) Emotionally challenging learning situations: medical students’ experiences of autopsies. International Journal of Medical Education, 3:63-70. DOI: 10.5116/ijme.4f75.fb65

Referee-bedömda konferensbidrag

Lindqvist, H., Weurlander, M., Barman, L., Thornberg, R. & Wernerson, A. (2023) Using scenarios as a starting point: Interviews with mentoring teachers about student teachers’ emotional challenges. NERA conference, Oslo, Norway, 15-17 mars.

Barman, L., Weurlander, M., Lindqvist, H., Thornberg, R. & Wernerson, A. (2023) Clinical supervisors’ role in providing support for medical students’ emotional challenges. NERA conference, Oslo, Norway, 15-17 mars.

Lindqvist, H., Weurlander, M., Wernerson, A., & Thornberg, R. (2023). Support in teacher education: Is anybody there? Paper presenterat på konferensen Forskning om högre utbildning, Stockholm den 11-12 maj.

Lindqvist, H., Weurlander, M., Barman, L., Thornberg, R. & Wernerson, A. (2023) Mentoring teachers’ perspectives of student teachers’ emotional challenges. EARLI conference, Thessaloniki, Greece, 22-26 augusti.

Barman, L., Weurlander, M., Lindqvist, H., Thornberg, R. & Wernerson, A. (2023) Is it the clinical supervisor’s role to support medical students’ emotional challenges – if so when? EARLI conference, Thessaloniki, Greece, 22-26 augusti.

Barman, L., Weurlander, M., Lindqvist, H., Lönn, A., Seeberger, A., Hult, H., Thornberg, R. & Wernerson, A. (2021) The influence of emotional challenges on students’ professional becoming – a comparative study. Abstract Earli conference, Göteborg, Sweden, 23-27 August 2021.

Lindqvist, H., Weurlander, M., Wernerson, A., & Thornberg, R. (2020). Change advocacy: Student teachers and beginning teachers coping with emotionally challenging situations. Accepterat till Symposium (Beginning teachers: getting beyond a deficit view of the induction phase) till AERA i San Fransisco, USA, 17-21 april, 2020. Inställd på grund av Covid-19.

Lindqvist, H., Weurlander, M., Wernerson, A., & Thornberg, R. (2020). Emotionally Challenging Episodes in Teacher Education: Student Teachers’ Perspectives on Suitability for the Teacher Occupation. Accepterat som Paper presentation till AERA i San Fransisco, USA, 17-21 april, 2020. Inställd på grund av Covid-19.

Lindqvist, H., Thornberg, R., Weurlander, M., & Wernerson, A. (2019). Conflicts starting to teach: Beginning teachers coping with emotionally challenging situations. Paper presenterat på 47th Congress of Nordic Educational Research Association i Uppsala, Sverige, 6-8 mars 2019.

Lönn, A., Weurlander, M., Seeberger, A., Hult, H., Thornberg, R. & Wernerson, A. (2018) The struggle for professionalization – students’ experiences of emotionally challenging situations during medical school. Abstract AMEE conference, Basel, Switzerland, Aug 25-29, 2018.

Weurlander, M., Lindqvist, H., Lönn, A., Broberger, E., Seeberger, A., Hult, H., Thornberg, R., & Wernerson, A. (2018). Osäkerhet och otillräcklighet: studenters upplevelser i känslomässigt starka situationer under VFU. Paper presenterat vid Forskning om Högre Utbildning i Lund, Sverige, 15-16 maj, 2018.

Weurlander, M., Barman, L., Lindqvist, H., Lönn, A., Hult, H., Thornberg, R., & Wernerson, A. (2018). Drawing Boundaries: Medical and Teacher Students’ Ways of Managing Emotional Challenges during Workplace Education. Paper presenterat på AERA i New York, USA, 13-17 april 2018.

Lindqvist, H., Weurlander, M., Wernerson, A., & Thornberg, R. (2018). Talk of Teacher Burnout among Student Teachers. Paper presenterat på AERA i New York, USA, 13-17 april 2018.

Weurlander, M., Barman, L., Lindqvist, H., Lönn, A., Hult, H., Thornberg, R. & Wernerson, A. (2018) Drawing Boundaries: Medical and Teacher Students’ Ways of Managing Emotional Challenges during Workplace Education. Abstract AERA conference, New York City, USA, 13-17 April 2018.

Lönn, A., Weurlander, M., Hult, H., Seeberger, A., Thornberg, R. & Wernerson, A. (2018) The workplace as an arena for education: Healthcare students´ experiences of emotionally challenging situations. Abstract NERA conference, Oslo, Norway, March 2018.

Lindqvist, H., Thornberg, R., Weurlander, M., & Wernerson, A. (2018). Boundary work in coping with distressful teacher education situations. Paper presenterat på 46th Congress of Nordic Educational Research Association i Oslo, Norge, 8-10 mars 2018.

Lindqvist, H., Weurlander, M., Wernerson, A., & Thornberg, R. (2017). Student teachers’ ethical dilemmas of work placement education. Paper presenterat på EthiCo, What may be learnt in ethics - EthiCo, What may be learnt in ethics - Present and future conceptions of ethical competence, i Göteborg, Sverige, 11-13 december 2017.

Lindqvist, H., Weurlander, M., Wernerson, A., & Thornberg, R. (2017). Resolving feelings of professional inadequacy: the acceptance and postponing strategies. Paper presenterat på 18th Biennial ISATT Conference i Salamanca, Spanien, 3-7 juli 2017.

Lindqvist, H., Weurlander, M., Wernerson, A., & Thornberg, R. (2017). Student teachers' learning and coping in distressful teaching education situations. Paper presenterat på 45th Congress of Nordic Educational Research Association i Köpenhamn, Danmark, 23-25 mars 2017.

Weurlander, M., Lönn, A., Hult, H., Thornberg, R. & Wernerson, A. (2016) Medical students’ feelings of inadequacy during clinical practice. Abstract AMEE conference, Barcelona, Spain, Aug 27-31 2016.

Lindqvist, H., Weurlander, M., Hult, H., Wernerson, A., & Thornberg, R. (2016). Resolving feelings of inadequacy: What student teachers learn from perceived emotionally distressful situations in teacher education. Paper presenterat på 44th Congress of Nordic Educational Research Association i Helsingfors, Finland, 9-11 mars 2016

Översiktsartiklar, bokkapitel, böcker

Weurlander, M. (2024) När lärandet blir svårt: En forskningsöversikt om studenters upplevelser av känslomässiga utmaningar i undervisningssituationerHögre utbildning14(1), 90–114.

Lindqvist, H. (2022). Det känslomässiga arbetet att bli lärare: Hantering av känslor och konflikter i lärarprofessionen. Lund: Studentlitteratur.

Lindqvist H. (2023). Handledares perspektiv på lärarstudenters känslomässiga utmaningar under VFU. Venue, 24

Lindqvist, H. (2020). Lärarstudenters strategier för att hantera känslomässiga utmaningar. Venue.  
