Colorectal cancer network
KI Cancer Network for Colorectal Cancer Research- a new diagnose based network within KI Cancer.
KI Cancer Network for Colorectal cancer research is a new network within the KI Cancer program at KI with the aim to bring together basic and clinical researchers to build up a creative environment with new ideas and collaborations in the field of colorectal cancer research. Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most common cancer form in Sweden with 6000 new cases per year and it is one of the leading causes of cancer related deaths.
KI is already today nationally leading in CRC research and there are many ongoing collaborations of high quality . Still there is a great need to formalize this cooperation and strengthen the network further by forming a diagnosis based network that can take greater responsibility for driving the development, research and training in the field.
The formation of a research network for CRC within KI would provide the possibility for linking experimental research with clinical multidisciplinary research. We have a unique opportunity to perform large randomized studies, running comprehensive clinical trials as well as large scale translational studies from bench to bed and back. The initiative of creating a network for researchers with a special interest in CRC within KI has a strong support and is financial supported by KI Cancer.
A first seminar will be held 2015-06-05 | 09.00 pm–15.00 pm in central Stockholm. Please see first announcement below.
A more detailed program will follow and the program will be tailored to the participants in the seminar. To register for the seminar, please send an e-mail to
Anna Martling
Professor of Surgery, MMK
Coordinator, KI Cancer Network for CRC