Announce half-time/dissertation at MedH

Please fill in the form to announce your half-time or dissertation.

If you experience technical problems with the form, please contact MedH's Communications officer with the information below.

Type of submission
Chose if you would like to announce half-time control or dissertation. 
Name and address for the venue you have booked/ alternatively if it's by Zoom
Name, title and unit of the Main Supervisor
Name, title, unit and university of the Co-Supervisor(s)
If dissertation, please enter name, title, unit and university of the Opponent(s)
Notify if the contact for the event is other than the PhD student
Add any additional information that you would like to include in the announcement. Please include link to thesis if possible.
If half-time control, please add name, title, Unit, University for the Half-time control committee.
If dissertation, please add name, title, Unit, University for the Examination board