Chemical Biology Consortium Sweden (CBCS) Core Facility at Karolinska Institutet
The core facility is one of the main screening nodes within CBCS, providing expertise and instrumentation for assay development and screening (BSL-2 and BSL-3) and enabling chemistry support, including medicinal synthetic and computational chemistry. The CBCS Compound Center is located at KI, supporting all nodes and users.
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Open access to instrumentation
CBCS houses a number of instruments to reach a broad range of assay applications. The instruments can be accessed through collaborative forms or via our open-access policy. You may book the instruments to operate them on your own at a minor fee and after adequate training. In addition, CBCS provides access to chemistry fumehoods in a fully equipped organic chemistry lab, with a chemical store containing more than 12 000 reagents.

Industrial and International Collaborations
CBCS has engaged in a partnership with AstraZenecas Open Innovation program to mediate academic collaborators’ access to AstraZeneca’s annotated small molecule compound library.
CBCS is an active partner in the Nordic Chemical Biology Network and subnetworks like the Nordic High content screening community.
Through CBCS, Sweden is a member of EU-OPENSCREEN, the European Infrastructure of Open Screening Platforms for Chemical Biology.
Further, CBCS is an associated partner to the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) program EUbOPEN.

CBCS Publications
Over the years CBCS has completed projects in collaboration with all major Universities in Sweden and our talented group has provided input to more than 400 research projects during the past years of operation, resulting in high-impact publications, innovations, patents and spin-off endeavors.

CBCS nodes
The CBCS is a coordinated research infrastructure distributed across six Swedish Universities. All nodes provide expertise in chemical biology to academic groups across Sweden. The KI and Umeå University nodes are the main screening nodes with both assay development and screening capabilities, along with enabling chemistry labs. CBCS Compound Center is located at KI. The nodes at Lund, Uppsala, Linköping and Gothenburg universities serve as access nodes, providing local assistance in assay development guidance. In addition, the local nodes also offer complementary capabilities and services

Facts about CBCS Core Facility
Location: SciLifeLab, Tomtebodavägen 23a, 171 65 Solna
Director: Anna-Lena Gustavsson
Key words: Chemical biology, screening (BSL-2, BSL-3), assay development, medicinal synthetic and computational chemistry
Department: Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics