KM X-ray irradiation facilities
The Xstrahl CIX3 is an X-ray cabinet for irradiation of small animals, at KM-A and KM-B.
X-ray irradiators for small animals

Two CIX3 X-ray cabinets from Xstrahl have been acquired and are available at KM-A and KM-B. They are 320kV self-contained cabinet irradiators.
The cabinets can be used for whole body irradiation (KM-A and KM-B) or focal irradiation (KM-B only).
Education and access
Education is required in order to use the equipment. You have to attended one course on "Introduction to radiation protection" prior to start using the X-ray irradiators, and also the web course focused on the “Xstrahl X-ray irradiators”. In addition, you need to attend an onsite introduction to the irradiators.
- You should have participated in the "Introduction to radiation protection" course no longer than five years ago. Please provide a certificate when contacting the experts for access. If your certificate is older than five years or if you have not participated in such a course previously, you must register for one. See further details for registration below.
- If you have attended an equivalent course, you need to provide a certificate and sign up for an onsite introduction to get access to the X-ray irradiator. See contact details below.
The two mandatory web courses "Introduction to radiation protection" and “Xstrahl X-ray irradiators” are available at KI's radiation safety page (
Booking and user fees
Please book the irradiators in iLab Organizer.
User fees are applied for using the X-ray irradiators”.
For information and education please contact
If you have KI-id you can also find contact persons for the KM X-ray at KM Facilities.