Strengthening injury prevention to achieve the SDGs by 2030 in Sub-Saharan Africa: Interplay between actionable country-level determinants and evidence-based prevention measures | ISAC

Injuries and their consequences are a preventable cause of health inequality worldwide. High injury rates and inequalities in SSA, not least in childhood, are driven by injury mechanisms pertaining to development and climate change issues embedded in the SDGs.

The project will highlight actionable country-level characteristics that, alongside evidence-based injury prevention measures, can speed up the reduction of specific injury mechanisms (violence, road traffic, burn, drowning, poisoning) in the whole SSA region. This will be informed by retrospective and prospective country-level register-based ecological studies based on open-sources data from, among others, the Global Burden of Disease (2010-2020).

The association between established country-level economic, geographic/physical, social, and environmental indices with age- and sex-specific injury mortality and morbidity will first be assessed (retrospectively for 2010 to 2020). Thereafter, projections for 2020-2030 will be made to forecast achievable injury reduction targets considering the implementation of acknowledged preventive measures, alone or in combination with actionable country-level determinants. This will be done for the region and by country.  

The project targets a significant cause of mortality and morbidity in SSA. It is an important milestone in curbing the burden of disease in SSA, thereby improving health, health equity, and economic growth in SSA. 

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