KI Alumni China Global Chapter

Karolinska Institutet has been a fertile academic ground for Chinese scholars and students. Today the KI Alumni WeChat group has over 300 members throughout China.

Over the last four decades, KI has trained a large number of biomedical researchers, doctoral and master-degree students originally from China. Many of these KI graduates have returned to China and work in academia and industry across the country. They have formed a strong KI Alumni Network in China and have established an active KI Alumni WeChat Group, which are important channels for networking for their carreer developments and maintaining warm links to KI. KI Alumni Relations Office has recently appointed five KI alumni ambassaders to promote KI’s connection to the alumni and the networking among the alumni.

Send a request to KI alumni ambassador Wenli "Claire" Ye (Email address: to become a member of the KI Alumni WeChat Group.

Official KI ambassadors

Through these ambassadors you'll be able to reach other local alumni, get a heads-up for local alumni events and connect with the right people, perhaps to find out what your next step might be. Below you’ll find all of our China alumni ambassadors.

Past Events

KI Alumni China Chapter Event, Shanghai, November 2023

A successful KI Alumni China Chapter 2023 networking event was arranged in Shanghai in November, gathering a large crowd from all over China.

China Alumni local reception, Shenzhen October 2019

More than 100 alumni and friends gathered in 3 cities within China to reunite and reconnect at the local launch events of KI’s first global alumni chapter.

KI Alumni China launch, October 2018

Read the news article at, recognition by the Embassy in Shanghai, and see event photos >

KI Alumni China campus launch, January 2018

A launch event to celebrate KI Alumni China took place at Solna campus on 22 January 2018 at Aula Medica. Read more about the event here and at the KI News site.


Content reviewer:
Mia Bjerke