About the Division of Radiology

The Division of Radiology at the Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology was founded in 2017.

Located at KI Campus Flemingsberg, side by side with the Karolinska University Hospital, Huddinge it functions as an inseparable research unit within the hospital, providing patients, images and infrastructure.

In cooperation a core facility Stockholm Medical Imaging Laboratory and Education (SMILE) organizes scientific image handling and education. The KTH Jonasson imaging center within the campus, provides scientists within engineering and medicine access to state-of-the-art advanced and preclinical medical imaging equipment.

The senior researchers [PI´s] constitute the unit faculty for he Division of Radiology (C1-46, Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset Huddinge). Education is closely linked to research and clinical activities. In a multidisciplinary arena with affiliated researchers and doctoral students conduct translational and clinical science. Our ultimate goal in medical research is to benefit the patient. Therefore, we combine basic and clinical research. In cooperation with healthcare, academy, and companies we develop and evaluate imaging innovations, and incorporate success in daily clinical practice.

Research in medical radiology, nuclear medicine and clinical physiology involves all the modern imaging modalities available with emphasis on high-end cross-sectional imaging (i.e. MRI, dual-energy and time-resolved CT, SPECT-CT, PET-CT, and extremity cone-beam CT). As research and education is considered an integral part of the everyday clinical work, our research-friendly working environment fosters high-quality research. In particular, close co-operation with clinical departments is encouraged and clinical interdisciplinary rounds have a substantial role. Due to high-end imaging technology, close scientific and clinical co-operation with physicists and biomedical engineers is of utmost importance.

In medical radiology upper gastro-intestinal imaging is currently focusing on tumor detection and treatment as well as imaging in organ transplantation. Also, evaluation of liver function, prediction of liver regeneration after surgery, diagnosis of hepatic and pancreatic carcinoma, evaluation of primary sclerosing cholangitis and therapeutic effects, and prediction of esofagus cancer therapy outcome are included. In interventional radiology, clinical trials are carried out on interventional transarterial chemoembolization (TACE) therapy on kidney and liver tumors. Other areas of interest are cardiovascular and thoracic imaging, skeletal disorders and trauma.


Profile image

Torkel Brismar

Head of Division


Karolinska Institutet
Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology (CLINTEC)
Division for Radiology
Karolinska University Hospital. C1:46, Huddinge
S-141 86 Stockholm

Fax. +46 8 711 48 40

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