The Hagströmer Medico-Historical Library Book Series

Editors: Ove Hagelin (2007-2019) Hjalmar Fors (2020-present)

The Hagströmer Medico-Historical Library Book Series publishes medico-historical texts, historical monographs and popular history of science and medicine publications.

Photo: Carrie Greenwood

Do you have a script or a book idea that you think might be suitable for the series?

Please do contact the editor, Hjalmar Fors even if you’re at an early stage in the writing process. The final decision on publication in the book series is, however, made on the basis of a submitted full-text manuscript. Decisions are made by the editor after consultation with the Hagströmer Library council and cannot be renegotiated.

Why should you publish your book in our book series?

All approved manuscripts are peer-reviewed. Therefore, a publication in our series will be a seal of quality for your book. Historical monographs published in the The Hagströmer Medico-Historical Library Book Series are subjected to anonymous double peer review (from 2020). Historical monographs in the series thereby formally qualify as peer rewiewed.  
We can also assist with contacts with suitable foundations for the application of publishing grants and with publishers. All publications in the The Hagströmer Medico-Historical Library Book Series recieves extra exposure through our channels, in addition to the fact that we will of course offer the book for sale at Hagströmer Library!

Previous publications

1. Carl von Linné, Om botanikens grunder: Föreläsningsanteckningar, höstterminen 1748  red. & övers. L. Bergqvist (2007). 

2. Thomas Lindblad, Gustaf Retzius: A Biography (2007). 

3. Carl von Linné, Herr Archiatern och Riddaren Linnæus i Lärda Tidningar 1745-1780 red. Ove Hagelin. (2007). 

4. Olof Kåhrström red., Linnés nätverk (2007). 

5. Olof Kåhrström. red., Linnaeus’ Network (2007).

6. Ove Hagelin, Ars medica Svecana: Svensk läkekonst genom fem sekler 1571–1921 (2008).

7. Jan Lindsten et al., KI avhandlingar 1810–1874: Inträdesdokument i ett beständigt akademiskt karriärsystem (2010). 

8. Ove Hagelin, Läke Konst: Medicinsk illustrationskonst från medeltid till Lennart Nilsson. Ars medica: The Art of Medical Illustration from the Middle Ages to Lennart Nilsson (2010).

9. Jan Trofast, Jacob Berzelius och Karolinska Institutet (2010).

10. Jan Lindsten et al., 114 Important Scientific Contributions from Karolinska Institutet (2010). 

11. Daniel Rolander, Ur regnskogens skugga: Daniel Rolander och resan till Surinam red. & inledn. J. Dobreff, övers. A. Jönsson, foto H. Schmitz (2010).

12. Thomas Ihre, Abraham Bäck. Mannen som reformerade den svenska sjukvården (2012).

13. Carl von Linné & Pehr Osbeck, Linné och mentalsjukdomarna red. N. Uddenberg (2012).

14. Göran Falkenberg et al., I skuggan av ett boktorn (2013).

15. Dan Jibréus, White Fox’ långa resa (2013).

16. John Ardene, De arte phisicali et de cirurgia practica: Master John Arderne från Newark och hur han utövade medicin och kirurgi, 1412 red. & övers.T. Svenberg & P. Murray Jones (2013).

17. John Ardene, De arte phisicali et de cirurgia practica: From a new digital version of the Stockholm roll ed. & trans. T. Svenberg & P. Murray Jones (2013).

18. Anna Lantz & Krister Östlund red., Vesalius: Anatomins mästare (2015).

19. Nils Uddenberg, Lidande och läkedom: Medicinens historia … till 1950. Del I-II (2015).

20 Ove Hagelin & Deborah Coltham, Odontologia: Rare & Important Books in the History of Dentistry. An Illustrated and Annotated Catalogue (2015).

21. Carina Nynäs & Lars Bergquist, A Linnaean Kaleidoscope: Linnaeus and his 186 dissertations Del I-II (2016).

22. Kenneth, Pehrsson, William Harvey: En medicinsk revolutionär (2018).

23. Torgny Svenberg et al., red. Treatise of Fistula in ano by John Arderne: Selection of texts, translation and comments by Torgny Svenberg, Nils-Lennart  Johannesson & Peter Murray Jones (2021).

24. Helena, Ek, Vetenskap och vård: Karolinska sjukhuset 1940-2018 (2021).

25. Jan Malmstedt, Doktorerna på Drottningholm: Världsarv med medicinhistoria (2022).

26. Ove Hagelin, Läkekonst och Vetenskap: En upptäcktresa i Hagströmerbibliotekets samlingar (2023).

Coming up

Mike Sappol & Anna Lanz, red., Relics of Lost Medical Civilizations: The Hagströmer Library and Karolinska Institutet Collections (preliminär titlel). Design G. Dyhlén, foto R. Turander. 

Hjalmar Fors, red., Linnaean Manuscripts in the Collection of the Hagströmer Library (preliminär titel).
