Open, Transparent and Merit-based Recruitment

KI applies an open, transparent and merit-based recruitment process throughout the organization and for all recruitments.

Fundamental provisions on recruitments/ appointments are prescribed in the public law regulations on government agency appointments; and, general employment law legislation. Supplementary provisions on, amongst other things, assessment bases and recruitment procedures are found in Sweden’s Public Employment Act and Employment Ordinance. In addition, KI applies competence-based recruitment.

In addition to the above, an open, transparent and merit-based Recruitment is regulated in KI's (general) recruitment process, appointment procedure for teachers and rules regarding other positions than teaching positions.

Open recruitment

As a government agency, KI is obliged to provide relevant information on vacancies in an appropriate manner so that applicants can notify their interest to the authority. All of our advertisements are published on KI’s notice board and at the website Jobs at KI. In addition, advertisements for employment as teachers and / or researchers are often published internationally, in trade press and advertising platforms and on EURAXESS .

Transparent recruitment

For many positions as teachers and researchers, eligibility requirements and assessment criteria are regulated and available to e.g. the applicant. Furthermore, the recruitment process itself is often regulated and available to applicants and others.

Statements from external reviewers are made available to all applicants and feedback from the recruiting manager/recruitment group is an important part of many of KI's recruitments.

All employment decisions can be appealed to the Higher Education Appeals Board. The board is the final appeal body and its decisions may not be challenged.

Merit-based recruitment

As KI is a government agency, only objective grounds such as merit and skill may be considered when employing someone. Skill refers to the applicant’s suitability for the position in question. Merit refers to the experience gained through previous employment or other activities. Unless there are special grounds for doing otherwise, skill shall be the primary consideration when assessing qualifications. Only when the skill of candidates is deemed to be equal, or largely equal, may service merits decide the outcome. This principal applies irrespective of the level of the position.