Knowing and supporting adults with cognitive impairment as users of technology - paused

The purpose of the research in this theme was to generate new knowledge of the conditions for technology use in adults living and ageing with cognitive impairment of different origin and severity (MCI, dementia, developmental disorders, ABI) in relation to the demands that technology put on users.

Eventually these studies aimed provide new, generic, knowledge of the interplay between users of technology in different environments/contexts and how this may influence their participation, lifestyle and health.

A database was created, holding data on the ability of people with and without cognitive impairment to use everyday technology. The project also includes studies of eHealth technologies and studies performed in collaboration with the memory clinic in Mölndal/Sahlgrenska Academy.


Leaders: Camilla Malinowsky together with Louise Nygård and Anders Kottorp (Malmö University).

At KI (at present and earlier): Lena Rosenberg, Anna Brorsson, Sophie Gaber, Sarah Wallcook, Elin Jacobsson and students.   Earlier also Charlotta Ryd, Monica Hällgren, Brittmari Upgard, Cecilia Bråkenhielm Olsson, Mandana Fallahpour, Annicka Hedman, Ann-Helen Patomella and Ove Almkvist.

Outside of KI (at present and earlier): Professor Rumi Tanemura’s research team at Kobe University, Japan; Manuela Ferreira in Portugal; Torhild Holte in Norway; Tina Helle & her co-workers in Denmark; Meryl Lovarini in Australia; Anders Wallin and co-workers, Sahlgrenska Academy; Maria Larsson-Lund, LTU.


FORTE, Swedish Research Council (VR), EU Marie Slodowska Curie ETN.

Earlier also Swedish Brainpower (SBP), Nationella Forskarskolan i Vård (NFV), Strategiska Forskningsområdet Vård at KI (SFO-V), Stockholm County Council (ALF).

Also, see the other projects on CACTUS’ webpage, specifically Evaluations of two instruments…. and INDUCT at KI.

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