Zhengan Lu

Zhengan Lu

Phd Student
Visiting address: Nobels väg 7, 17165 Solna
Postal address: C8 Medicinsk epidemiologi och biostatistik, C8 MEB II Bergen, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • 2019 - 2022 MSc in Psychiatry
    Peking University
    2014 - 2019 Bachelor in Clinical Medicine
    Fudan University


  • My general research interests lie in the comorbidity of psychiatric disorders
    and its genetic and environmental mechanisms.
    My MSc project was about the co-occurrence pattern of psychological symptoms
    among the general population after COVID-19 outbreak. My PhD project will
    mainly focus on schizophrenia and anorexia nervosa, two serious psychiatric
    disorders demonstrating high level of familial co-aggregation with severe
    outcomes and diverse clinical features. Data from available GWAS studies will
    be utilized to uncover the shared genetic architecture of schizophrenia and
    anorexia nervosa. Schizophrenia-anorexia nervosa polygenic overlap will be
    further leveraged to quantify the impact of genetic liability to
    schizophrenia on the clinical presentations and outcomes of anorexia nervosa,
    and vice versa. These approaches may provide novel insights into the clinical
    heterogeneity of schizophrenia and anorexia nervosa, reveal potential
    etiology for their comorbidity, and bring implications for the clinical
    management of the two severe disorders.


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