Ulf de Faire

Ulf de Faire

Professor Emeritus/Emerita
Telephone: +46852487093
Visiting address: Nobels väg 13, 17177 Stockholm
Postal address: C6 Institutet för miljömedicin, C6 CVD-NUT-EPI Åkesson, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • • Studied medicine at University of Uppsala, specialist in internal medicine and cardiology.
    • Clinical positions at Departments of Medicine at the following University Hospitals belonging to Karolinska Institutet (KI); Serafimer Hospital, Danderyd Hospital and Karolinska University Hospital, Solna.
    • Professor of Cardiovascular Epidemiology at KI, Department of Environmental Medicine since 1994 and in parallel senior consultant at Department of Cardiology, Karolinska University Hospital, Solna.
    • Over the years main supervisor to 12 and co-supervisor to 23 Ph.D students who have defended their theses.
    • Currently co-supervising 4 Ph.D students.
    • Received Tore Andersson´s prize in epidemiology in 2007 for outstanding acievements within cardiovascular epidemiological research.
    • Editor-in-Chief for Journal of Internal Medicine (IF 7, 98), 2006 on.
    • Published 487 articles (see Pub Med FAIRE U).
    • About 41 200 citations and H-index 89 (Web of Science, Febr 2018).


  • Over the years our research group has been focused on studying inflammatory biomarkers and causally related mechanisms behind atherosclerosis and risks for cardiovascular disease. We perform both analyses of genetic variants and biomarkers applying various techniques and epidemiological/statistical models. We have several broad international collaborations with centres in USA ( Harvard), UK (Cambridge, Oxford, London) and Italy (Milan) regarding genetics of cardiovascular disease, gene-environmental interactions and biomarkers.

    We utilize several own , unique and well examined clinical/epidemiological materials as 60 year old men and women ( n=4232) followed for 18 years; Stockholm Heart Epidemiology Program (SHEEP) (n = 3982), a case-control study of myocardial infarction followed for 20 years for recurrences and death among cases and first time MI among controls; IMPROVE, an EU-based cohort study from 6 European centres on subjects with > 3 risk factors (n=3700) regarding prediction of cardiovascular risk and atherosclerosis progression, now followed for 10 years.

    We also collaborate with the Swedish Twin Registry (TwinGene)(n=12 000); AMORIS, a database of 800 000 subjects previously screened for risk factors and SCAPIS (the Swedish Cardio Pulmonary Bioimaging Study), a prospective study on 30 000 subjcets, 55 – 70 years old, from 6 Swedish university centres exploring causal mechanisms and biomarkers behind plaque rupture and cardiovascular risk.


All other publications


  • Professor Emeritus/Emerita, Institute of Environmental Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, 2022-2025


  • Anastasia Iliadou, Genetic epidemiological approaches to the study of risk factors for cardiovascular diseases.

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