Tove Wästerlid
Affiliated to Research
Visiting address: Maria Aspmans gata 30A, 17164 Solna
Postal address: K2 Medicin, Solna, K2 KEP Ekström Smedby, 171 77 Stockholm
About me
- I am a specialist in Haematology at the Karolinska University Hospital. I finished my PhD-studies at the Department of Oncology, Lund University, in
2016 and have worked with lymphoma research since 2010. In September 2017 I joined the Cancer Epidemiology group [1] at KEP as a post-doc.
MD, Lund University, 2014
PhD, Lund University, 2016, Thesis title: Burkitt lymphoma and diffuse large
B-cell lymphoma – therapeutic strategies and pathogenetic mechanisms
Post-doc, Karolinska Institutet, since 2017
Specialist in Ha
- My research focus is on malignant lymphomas, with a special interest in aggressive subtypes such as diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, Burkitt
lymphoma and primary mediastinal B-cell lymphoma. By using real-world data from national lymphoma registers linked to other databases I investigate the impact of prognostic factors, treatment and outcomes among patients with
lymphoma in a population-based setting. I have several ongoing collaborative projects within the Nordic lymphoma group, to increase power to enable study of rare lymphoma subtypes.
I also have an interest in precision medicine and tumour biology and am one of the main organisers of the clinical, prospective study BioLymph. Biolymph is a collaborative project between the department of haematology, pathology and clinical genetics that prospectively collects tumour- and blood samples for all patients with newly diagnosed lymphomas at the Karolinska University hospital. Genomic sequencing is performed on tumour material and longitudinally on circulating cell-free tumour DNA (ctDNA), a promising tool to measure minimal residual disease in lymphoma. The aim of this research is to increase knowledge of the impact of genetic aberrations on prognosis and response to treatment and the ability of ctDNA to assess treatment response and detect relapse. The ultimate goal is for these precision medicine methods to be implemented in clinical practice to enable individualised treatment for all lymphoma patients to ultimately improve survival for patients with lymphoma. Currently, more than 420 patients are enrolled with inclusion ongoing.
I also participate as principal- and co-investigator in several ongoing clinical trials at the department of Haematology.
- Main supervisor to doctoral student Johanna Borg Bruchfeld with the project
title "Sex-related differences in incidence and outcomes among patients with
lymphoma: epidemiological and biological perspectives"
Co-supervisor to doctoral student Joel Joelsson with the project title
"Second malignancies after non-Hodgkin lymphoma diagnosis and early
identification of patients with poor outcomes"
Co-supervisor to doctoral student Linn Deleskog Spångberg with the project
title "Long-term outcome and prognostic factors in follicular lymphoma and
Hodgkin lymphoma - population-based studies using registers and new precision
medicine biomarkers"
Co-supervisor to post-doc Erik Boberg with the project "Epidemiological studies on risk factors, survival, and survivorship in patients with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia"
Organiser of Epidemiology Courses during Block II & IV in NatiOn: National
Research School in Clinical and Translational Cancer Research
Organiser of the annual Young Researchers in Hematology Conference at
Karolinska Institutet
Mentor at the course in professional development for medical student at
Karolinska institutet since 2017
- Article: HEALTH INFORMATICS JOURNAL. 2024;30(4):14604582241290725
- Journal article: ECLINICALMEDICINE. 2024;74:102753
- Article: ACTA ONCOLOGICA. 2024;63:563-572
- Article: EJHAEM. 2024;5(3):516-526
- Article: ACTA ONCOLOGICA. 2024;63:35238-168
- Article: BRITISH JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY. 2024;204(3):967-975
- Article: HEMASPHERE. 2023;7(3):e838
- Article: AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HEMATOLOGY. 2023;98(1):23-30
- Article: FRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY. 2023;13:1176698
- Article: BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER. 2022;127(10):1808-1815
- Journal article: ANNALS OF LYMPHOMA. 2022;0(0):0
- Article: BLOOD ADVANCES. 2022;6(8):2657-2666
- Article: FRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY. 2022;12:984021
- Article: EJHAEM. 2021;2(4):774-784
- Article: BRITISH JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY. 2021;195(4):552-560
- Article: BRITISH JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY. 2021;192(3):551-559
- Article: BRITISH JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY. 2021;192(1):75-81
- Article: AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HEMATOLOGY. 2020;95(7):740-748
- Article: AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HEMATOLOGY. 2020;95(6):652-661
- Article: BRITISH JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY. 2020;189(4):661-671
- Article: JOURNAL OF INTERNAL MEDICINE. 2019;285(4):455-468
- Article: HEMATOLOGICAL ONCOLOGY. 2017;35(2):151-157
- Journal article: BLOOD. 2015;126(23):5039
- Article: ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY. 2013;24(7):1879-1886
- Article: LEUKEMIA & LYMPHOMA. 2011;52(11):2090-2096
- Show more
All other publications
- Letter: ACTA ONCOLOGICA. 2023;62(6):560-564
- Conference publication: BLOOD. 2022;140:3620-3621
- Review: JOURNAL OF INTERNAL MEDICINE. 2022;292(2):243-261
- Conference publication: BLOOD. 2021;138:4587
- Meeting abstract: BLOOD. 2021;138:2534
- Letter: BLOOD CANCER JOURNAL. 2021;11(5):100
- Meeting abstract: BLOOD. 2019;134:1618
- Conference publication: BLOOD. 2018;132:571
- Letter: ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY. 2018;29(8):1882-1883
- Letter: LEUKEMIA & LYMPHOMA. 2017;58(7):1760-1763
- Conference publication: BLOOD. 2017;130
- Conference publication: HAEMATOLOGICA. 2016;101:403
- Conference publication: ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY. 2011;22:190-191
- Epidemiologiska och genetiska studier av lymfom hos äldre för framtida precision i diagnostik och behandlingALF Region Stockholm (Kliniska postdoktorer)1 January 2020 - 1 January 2023
- Genetic studies and evaluation of cell-free tumour DNA for future diagnostic and therapeutic precision in lymphomaÅke Olssons stiftelse
- Magnus Bergvall Foundation
- Genetic studies and evaluation of cell-free tumour DNA for future diagnostic and therapeutic precision in lymphomaSvenska Läkaresällskapet (SLS Projektanslag) (971438)
- Genetic studies and evaluation of cell-free tumour DNA for future diagnostic and therapeutic precision in lymphomaJeanssons Stiftelse
- Epidemiological studies on elderly patients with lymphomaKarolinska Institutet Stiftelser och Fonder
- Epidemiological and genetic studies on lymphoma for future diagnostic and therapeutic precisionÅke Wibergs Stiftelse
- Könsrelaterade skillnader i incidens och överlevnad vid lymfomGunnar Grimfors gåvofond
- Könsrelaterade skillnader i incidens och överlevnad vid lymfomKarolinskas fond för leukemiforskning
- Affiliated to Research, Department of Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, 2017-2026
- Affiliated to Research, Department of Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, 2024-2025
- Resident in Hematology, Department of Hematology, Karolinska University Hospital, 2017-2023
- Erik Boberg, 2023
- Linn Deleskog Spångberg, 2022
- Johanna Borg Bruchfeld, Sex-related differences in incidence and outcomes among patients with lymphoma: epidemiological and biological perspectives,, 2021
- Joel Joelsson, 2019