Tamás Pongrácz

Tamás Pongrácz

Postdoctoral Researcher
Visiting address: Entrévägen 2, 18257 Danderyd
Postal address: D1 Kliniska vetenskaper, Danderyds sjukhus, D1 Medicin Klinisk immunologi, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • Tamas Pongracz is an analytical chemist who, during his PhD and postdoctoral training at Leiden University Medical Center in the Netherlands, specialized in developing and refining advanced analytical methods and bioinformatics tools for high-throughput mass spectrometry-based protein glycosylation analysis.


    His research focuses on exploring the glycomic dimensions of human diseases, establishing links between antibody structure and function, and contextualizing these findings within clinical disease proxies across various conditions. Currently he works as a postdoctoral researcher and bioinformatician in the group of Charlotte Thålin, where his research focuses on the role of secretory IgA glycosylation in mucosal immunity.


  • Glyco(proteo)mics, Integrative omics, Bioinformatics


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