Sven-Erik Dahlén

Sven-Erik Dahlén

Telephone: +46852487092
Visiting address: M 52, Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset Huddinge, 14186 Stockholm
Postal address: H7 Medicin, Huddinge, H7 Hjärt och lungsjukdomar Mjösberg, 171 77 Stockholm


  • Leukotrienes and prostanoids as mast cell mediators and modulators of asthmatic airway obstruction.

    The aim of this project is to increase the understanding of mechanisms behind the development of asthma and other inflammatory airway diseases. Acknowledged internationally, our research group has over the years gathered experience and knowledge in leukotrienes, prostanoids and other inflammatory mediators. We have shown earlier that leukotrienes, together with histamine, cause some of the cardinal symptoms of asthma. The mechanisms through which leukotrienes exert their cellular effects are presently not well understood. Like leukotrienes, prostanoids are derived from the poly-unsaturated, essential fatty acid, arachidonic acid. The mechanisms and the location of prostanoid generation and effects differ importantly from those of the leukotrienes. The prostanoid family contains members that mediate asthma augmentation and airway inflammation. On the other hand, relief of asthma symptoms by other members of the family has also been described. Again, understanding how prostanoids mediate their cellular effects, particularly in the lung is presently only sketchily understood, at best. The main drive of this project is to elucidate the beneficial and malign mechanisms by which leukotrienes and prostanoids exert their effects on the different cellular structures of the lung. As this is very much and experimental undertaking, our set up consists of a network of co-operating basic researchers and clinicians and aims to provide comprehensive answers using animal models and human tissues. Implicit in our research is the aim for new discoveries which can lead to improved diagnosis and treatment of all airway inflammatory diseases, including asthma.

    Swedish Research Council
    Swedish Heart-Lung Foundation

    Yvonne Nygren, secreterary
    Mikael Adner, Associated Professor
    Maria Kumlin, Associated Professor
    Anita Sydbom, Associated Professor
    Roelinde Middelveld, Project leader, PhD
    Katarina Stark, Postdoc
    Cecilia Kemi, Postdoc
    Maciek Kupczyk, Postdoc
    Ingrid Delin, BMA
    Susanna Kumlien-Georén, BMA, PhD
    Stina Gustavsson, assistant
    Linda Swedin, PhD student
    Jesper Säfholm, PhD student

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  • Professor, Department of Medicine, Huddinge, Karolinska Institutet, 2024-
  • Professor, Institute of Environmental Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, 2024-2025

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