Samson Nivins

Samson Nivins

Affiliated to Research
Visiting address: BioMedicum A4, Solnavägen 9, 17165 Solna
Postal address: K6 Kvinnors och barns hälsa, K6 NOGRH Ådén, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • Samson Nivins is a post-doctoral fellow at the Karolinska Institutet, Sweden,
    specialising in Perinatal and Paediatric Neuro. He pursued his doctoral
    degree in Medicine (Perinatal, Defended in 2022) at Liggins Institute, the
    University of Auckland, New Zealand, under the principal supervision of
    Distinguished Professor Dame Jane E Harding, focusing on Neuroradiological
    aspects (MRI and DTI) of children with a history of neonatal hypoglycaemia
    His master thesis entitled "Nyttan av 18-FDG-PET vid differentiating av MCI-
    och AD-patienter" (Clinical utility of 18-FDG-PET in differentiating MCI and
    AD patients), on patients whose diagnosis were uncertain, and was carried out
    under the principal supervision of dementia pioneered Professor Agneta
    Nordberg, Karolinska Institutet &

  • Hospital, Sweden (Defended on July 2015).
    He was trained in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine under Drs Swarup Nellore &

  • Ravi Thapper (Radiologist), and Anand Zade (Nuclear Medicine Physician) from
    India, primarily focusing on different Neurological conditions. He worked at
    Neurogen Brain and Spine Institute, India, for three years as a
    Neuroradiology/Neuroimaging fellow focusing on interventional Paediatrics &

  • Stroke neuroimaging, and thereby developed his interest in developing early
    biomarkers for different Neurological disorders. He also developed his own
    paediatric database for brain PET imaging from children with normal
    neurological function
  • however, those children had either lymphoma or other
    cancerous abnormality with no involvement of the brain or skull. He was also
    associated with MPCT-Surana Hospital for PET/CT and Swastik diagnostic centre
    for MRI.
    Currently, he is working on the effects of maternal diabetes on the brain and
    ADHD in school-age children &
  • Neurodevelopmental and brain outcomes in
    children born at late-preterm
  • along with Professors Ulrika Arden and Torkel Klingberg,
    Karolinska Institutet, Sweden.
    Student Leadership Award 2021, Liggins Institute, The University of Auckland
    (awarded Feb 2022).
    Winner of the School of Graduate Studies Research Showcase Talent - Poster
    presentation (Public Choice Award), New Zealand (Oct 2021).
    Winner of the Three Mins Elevation Pitch 2020, Trans-Tasman Fetal and
    Neonatal Conference, Australia (Dec 2020).
    Runner-up of the Three Mins Elevation Pitch 2019, The Liggins Student day
    (Nov 2019).
    Ph.D Medicine (Perinatal) - Liggins Institute, The University of Auckland
    (Defended in 2022)
    Principal Supervisor: Distingused Professor Dame Jane Harding
    M.S (Major- Neuroradiology) - Karolinska Institutet, Huddinge (Defended in
    Princpal Supervisor: Professor Agneta Nordberg


  • Prenatal exposure and offspring health outcomes
    Cardiometabolic problems
    Neurodevelopmental delay
    Brain Imaging


All other publications



  • Affiliated to Research, Department of Women's and Children's Health, Karolinska Institutet, 2024-2025

Journal reviewing

  • Imaging Neuroscience, Open peer review,, 2023
  • Journal of Neuroscience, Wiley, Anonymous peer review,, 2023

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