Rose Temizer Phd StudentE-mail: rose.temizer@ki.seVisiting address: Solnavägen 9, Biomedicum C4, 17165 SolnaPostal address: C3 Fysiologi och farmakologi, C3 FyFa Cellulär modellering av psykiatriska sjukdomar, 171 77 Stockholm Part of:Department of Physiology and PharmacologyApplied Developmental Neurobiology – Carl Sellgren research groupPublicationsPublic outreach and newsAll other publications Preprint: BIORXIV. 2023;BIORXIV BHLHE40/41 regulate macrophage/microglia responses associated with Alzheimer's disease and other disorders of lipid-rich tissues. Podlesny-Drabiniok A; Novikova G; Liu Y; Dunst J; Temizer R; Giannarelli C; Marro S; Kreslavsky T; Marcora E; Goate AMNews from KIEvents from KI