Robin Ziyue Zhou
About me
I am an MD and PhD student with a broad interest in neurology and neurodegenerative disorders, especially Alzheimer's disease and other dementias.
2024- Research intern physician (Forskar-AT), Karolinska University Hospital2024 MD, Karolinska Institutet
2023- PhD student, Karolinska InstitutetAwards and grants
2024 Demensförbundet
2023 Asklepiospriset award from the Swedish Medical Society for best scientific article of the year by a junior physician
2023 Gun och Bertil Stohnes stiftelse
2023 Stiftelsen för Gamla Tjänarinnor
2020- Stiftelsen Dementia
My research focuses on the discovery and development of novel biomarkers in Alzheimer's disease. In particular, we aim to identify biomarkers with
prognostic value in individuals with early Alzheimer's disease.
Selected publications
- Article: BRAIN COMMUNICATIONS. 2024;6(6):fcae371
- Editorial comment: THE JOURNAL OF PREVENTION OF ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE. 2024;11(4):895-896
- Article: ALZHEIMER'S AND DEMENTIA. 2023;19(7):3244-3249
- Journal article: JOURNAL OF ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE. 2024;100(s1):S93-S101
- Journal article: VISUAL JOURNAL OF EMERGENCY MEDICINE. 2024;35:101983
- Journal article: VISUAL JOURNAL OF EMERGENCY MEDICINE. 2024;35:101982
All other publications
- Review: BMC GERIATRICS. 2022;22(1):878
- Phd Student, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Karolinska Institutet, 2024-2027
- Phd Student, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Karolinska Institutet, 2024-2024
Degrees and Education
- Degree Of Master Of Science In Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, 2024