Rhaissa Calixto Vieira
Postdoctoral Researcher
E-mail: rhaissa.calixto.vieira@ki.se
Visiting address: Solnavägen 9, C7, 17165 Solna
Postal address: C1 Mikrobiologi, tumör- och cellbiologi, C1 Virology and Immunology Westerberg, 171 77 Stockholm
About me
- Rhaissa works with primary immunodeficiencies understanding how immune cells are impaired in different immune backgrounds and immune cells.
Rhaissa is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Karolinska Institutet in the Microbiology Tumor and Cell Biology department (Stockholm, Sweden). She
completed her MSc (2016) and PhD (2020) studies in Immunology and Cellular Biology (Fiocruz – Brazil) studying different aspects of the immune system such as the regulation of functional response of macrophages and CD4 T cells in opportunistic infections, pathogen/ host interaction, inflammation, and endocrine-immune regulation. Nowadays in the Postdoc, Rhaissa works with primary immunodeficiencies understanding how immune cells are impaired in different primary immune deficiencies and cell types also by establishing /in vitro /models to be used in drug screening applications.
- Project supervision
During my period working as a postdoctoral Researcher at Westerberg's Lab I was involved in the scientific training of students from Sweden and
abroad, as follows:
Sofie Hemström, medical undergrad from Karolinska Institutet
Period: June 7 to July 2, 2021
Project enrolled: Lipid Rafts and F-actin interplay in Megakaryocyte activation and platelet formation.
Marta Dominguez Gargallo, Biotechnology undergraduate from Barcelona University
Period: February to June 2022
Project enrolled: Flow cytometry-based drug repurposing screening for WASp stabilization in X-linked thrombocytopenia megakaryocytes.
Yeon Jae Lee, Biology student from New York /Abu Dhabi University
Period: July 1st to August 10, 2022
Project enrolled: Molecular Biology tools for Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome study.
Giulio Zanette, Master student from Trieste University
Period: February to October 2023
Project enrolled: Restoring platelets in WAS and XLT – mice model study.
Elisabet Jené Vinuesa, Biology undergrad from Barcelona University
Period: February to July 2023
Project enrolled: Compound validation for WASp stabilization in X-linked thrombocytopenia megakaryocytes.
Article: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY. 2024;54(5):e2350450
Article: JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY. 2023;97(1):e01752-e01722
All other publications
Israeli Wiskott Aldrich Syndrome fellowship - Drug screening to identify and test new compounds to stabilize WASp in XLT/WAS patientsIsraeli Wiskott Aldrich Syndrome - IWASA6 July 2020 - 30 June 2022