Pernilla Videhult Pierre

Pernilla Videhult Pierre

Telephone: +46852483867
Visiting address: Enheten för audiologi, Alfred Nobels Allé 10, plan 5, 14152 Huddinge
Postal address: H9 Klinisk vetenskap, intervention och teknik, H9 CLINTEC Audiologi, 141 52 Huddinge

About me

  • PhD, pharmacist, lecturer, and researcher
    Division of audiology
    Department of clinical science, intervention, and technology (CLINTEC)
    Karolinska Institutet
    Alfred Nobels Allé 10, level 5
    141 83 Huddinge
    *Cooperations Outside the Division of audiology*
    Filip Asp, PhD, MSci in Engineering, Karolinska university hospital,
    Cecilia Engmér Berglin, PhD, ENT specialist, Karolinska university
    hospital, Stockholm.
    Anders Fridberger, professor in neuroscience, Department of clinical and
    experimental medicine, Cell biology, Linköping university, Linköping.
    Christina Forshell Hederstierna, PhD, senior consultant in audiology,
    Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm.
    Mikael Hedeland, professor in analytical pharmaceutical chemistry, Uppsala
    University, Uppsala.
    Göran Laurell, professor in ear, nose, and throat, Uppsala University,
    senior consultant, Uppsala university hospital, Uppsala.
    Curt Pettersson, professor emeritus in analytical pharmaceutical chemistry,
    Department of pharmacy, Uppsala University, Uppsala.
    Ulf Rosenhall, professor emeritus in clinical audiology, senior consultant,
    Hearing and balance clinic, Karolinska university hospital, Stockholm.
    Henrik Smeds, PhD, senior consultant in ENT, Karolinska university hospital.
    *Publications by Pernilla Videhult Pierre*
    /*Original Research Articles*/
    1. *Videhult Pierre P*, Fransson A, Kisiel A. M., Laurell G. Hydrogen Gas
    Inhalation Attenuates Acute Impulse Noise Trauma: A Preclinical In Vivo
    Study. Accepterad av Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 2022.
    2. Fransson A, *Videhult Pierre P*, Risling M, Laurell G. Inhalation of
    molecular hydrogen, a rescue treatment for noise-induced hearing loss. Front
    Cell Neurosci 2021. DOI: 10.3389/fncel.2021.658662
    3. *Videhult Pierre P*, Rasmussen JE, Nikkhou Aski S, Damberg P, Laurell G.
    High-dose furosemide enhances the magnetic resonance signal of systemic
    gadolinium in the mammalian cochlea. Otol Neurotol 2020.
    4. *Videhult Pierre P*, Eklöf M, Smeds H, Asp F. Cochlear implantation with
    the CI512 and CI532 pre-curved electrode arrays: one year speech recognition
    and intraoperative thresholds of electrically evoked compound action
    potentials. Audiol Neurotol 2019; 24: 299-308. DOI: 10.1159/000504592
    5. Pirttilä K, *Videhult Pierre P*, Haglöf J, Engskog M, Hedeland M,
    Laurell G, Arvidsson T, Pettersson C. An LCMS-based untargeted metabolomics
    protocol for cochlear perilymph: highlighting metabolic effects of hydrogen
    gas on the inner ear of noise exposed Guinea pigs.
    Metabolomics 2019;15(10):138. DOI: 10.1007/s11306-019-1595-1
    6. *Videhult Pierre P*, Fransson A, Kisiel MA, Damberg P, Nikkhou Aski S,
    Andersson M, et al. Middle Ear Administration of a Particulate Chitosan Gel
    in an in vivo Model of Cisplatin Ototoxicity. Front Cell
    Neurosci 2019;13:268. DOI: 10.3389/fncel.2019.00268
    7. Fransson AE, Kisiel M, Pirttilä K, Pettersson C, *Videhult Pierre P*,
    Laurell GFE. Hydrogen inhalation protects against ototoxicity induced by
    intravenous cisplatin in the guinea pig. Front Cell Neurosci 2017 Sep
    13;11:280. DOI: 10.3389/fncel.2017.00280.
    8. *Videhult Pierre P*, Haglöf J, Linder B, Engskog MKR, Arvidsson T,
    Pettersson C, Fransson A, Laurell G. Cisplatin-induced metabolome changes in
    serum: an experimental approach to identify markers for ototoxicity. Acta
    Otolaryngol 2017 Oct;137(10):1024-1030. DOI: 10.1080/00016489.2017.1325006.
    9. Engmér Berglin C, *Videhult Pierre P*, Ekborn A, Bramer T, Edsman K,
    Hultcrantz M, Laurell G. Local treatment of the inner ear: a study of three
    different polymers aimed for middle ear administration. Acta
    Otolaryngol 2015;135(10):985-94. DOI: 10.3109/00016489.2015.1058534.
    10. *Videhult Pierre P*, Johnson AC, Fridberger A. Subjective and clinically
    assessed hearing loss; a cross-sectional register-based study on a Swedish
    population aged 18 through 50 years. PLoS One 2015 Apr 13;10(4):e0123290.
    DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0123290.
    11. *Pierre PV*, Fridberger A, Wikman A, Alexanderson K. Self-reported
    hearing difficulties, main income sources, and socio-economic status; a
    cross-sectional population-based study in Sweden. BMC Public Health 2012 Oct
    15;12:874. DOI: 10.1186/1471-2458-12-874.
    12. Berglin CE, *Pierre PV*, Bramer T, Edsman K, Ehrsson H, Eksborg S,
    Laurell G. Prevention of cisplatin-induced hearing loss by administration of
    a thiosulfate-containing gel to the middle ear in a guinea pig model. Cancer
    Chemother Pharmacol 2011 Dec;68(6):1547-56. DOI: 10.1007/s00280-011-1656-2.
    13. *Pierre PV*, Wallin I, Eksborg S, Ehrsson H. Quantitative liquid
    chromatographic determination of intact cisplatin in blood with
    microwave-assisted post-column derivatization and UV detection. J Pharm
    Biomed Anal 2011 Aug 25;56(1):126-30. DOI: 10.1016/j.jpba.2011.04.028.
    14. *Pierre PV*, Engmér C, Wallin I, Laurell G, Ehrsson H. High
    concentrations of thiosulfate in scala tympani perilymph after systemic
    administration in the guinea pig. Acta Otolaryngol 2009 Feb;129(2):132-7.
    DOI: 10.1080/00016480802116232.
    15. *Videhult P*, Laurell G, Wallin I, Ehrsson H. Kinetics of Cisplatin and
    its monohydrated complex with sulfur-containing compounds designed for local
    otoprotective administration. Exp Biol Med (Maywood) 2006
    Nov;231(10):1638-45. DOI: 10.1177/153537020623101009
    16. *Videhult P*, Yachnin J, Jerremalm E, Lewensohn R, Ehrsson H. Synthesis
    and cytotoxicity of the dihydrated complex of oxaliplatin. Cancer Lett 2002
    Jun 28;180(2):191-4. DOI: 10.1016/s0304- 3835(02)00002-2
    17. Jerremalm E, *Videhult P*, Alvelius G, Griffiths WJ, Bergman T, Eksborg
    S, Ehrsson H. Alkaline hydrolysis of oxaliplatin--isolation and
    identification of the oxalato monodentate intermediate. J Pharm Sci 2002
    Oct;91(10):2116-21. DOI: 10.1002/jps.10201
    */Review Article/*
    Cortés Fuentes IA, *Videhult Pierre P*, Engmér Berglin C. Improving
    clinical outcomes in cochlear implantation using glucocorticoid therapy: a
    review. Ear Hear 2019, Apr 30. doi: 10.1097/AUD.0000000000000740.
    /*Book Chapter*/
    Laurell G, *Videhult Pierre P*. Hearing loss after cisplatin: oxidative
    stress pathways and potential for protection. I: Armstrong D, redaktör. Free
    Radicals in ENT Pathology. New York: Springer; 2015. s. 217-241.
    *Videhult Pierre P*. Doktorsavhandling: Cisplatin, a platinum-containing
    antineoplastic drug: perspectives on analytical chemistry and prevention of
    ototoxicity. Karolinska Institutet 2010, Stockholm.


All other publications


  • Lecturer, Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology, Karolinska Institutet, 2019-

Degrees and Education

  • Degree Of Doctor Of Philosophy, Department of Oncology-Pathology, Karolinska Institutet, 2010

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