Paul Welfordsson

Paul Welfordsson

Phd Student
Telephone: +46852483208
Visiting address: Solnaväge 1E, 11365 Stockholm
Postal address: K9 Global folkhälsa, K9 GPH Dalman Danielsson, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • PhD student in the EpICCS (Epidemiology of Psychiatric Conditions, Substance use and Social Environment) research group.

    I have a Masters in Global Health from Karolinska Institutet (2021)

    I am a licensed medical doctor and licensed physiotherapist.


  • My PhD involves using quantitative, qualitative and mixed research methods to investigate the feasibility of alcohol use interventions in cardiology services. We are investigating the prevalence of hazardous drinking among patients with cardiovascular diseases, patient perspectives, and clinician views on the feasibility of implementing interventions. My main supervisor is Sara Wallhed Finn.