Patricia Rodriguez Rodriguez

Patricia Rodriguez Rodriguez

Senior Research Specialist
Visiting address: Blickagången 6, 14157 Huddinge
Postal address: H1 Neurobiologi, vårdvetenskap och samhälle, H1 Neurogeriatrik Maioli, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • I am a pharmacist and biochemist with a PhD in neuroscience and extensive experience in the study of molecular mechanisms leading to neurodegeneration. 

    I obtained my PhD in 2013, funded by a highly competitive national fellowship in Spain. In 2014 I joined The Karolinska Institute (KI) as a postdoctoral fellow, and led a project aimed at understanding the mechanisms behind insulin resistance in Alzheimer's disease (Brain, 2017).

    In 2018 I became an Assistant Professor at Karolinska, and was awarded a H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie global individual fellowship that allowed me to join The Rockefeller University in New York, where I started exploring the mechanisms behind the vulnerability of specific neurons to AD (Neuron, 2020,  Brain, 2024).

    In 2021 I returned to Karolinska, where I was promoted to a permanent position in 2023. I now lead an independent research line where I use state-of-the-art cell-type specific methods to uncover the mechanisms initiating neurodegeneration in Alzheimer's disease vulnerable neurons.


  • Our research is focused on understanding how different genetic and non-genetic risk factors and disease drivers trigger the early degeneration of specific regions and neuronal subpopulations in Alzheimer's disease. To achieve this goal we apply a wide variety of cell-type specific transcriptomics and proteomics approaches in human post-mortem brain samples, mouse models and in-vitro systems.

    Some of our current projects include:

    • Cell-type specific analysis of human entorhinal cortex at early stages of Alzheimer’s disease
    • In-vivo characterization of subcellular proteomes

    • Regional and cell-type specific vulnerability to Alzheimer’s disease risk factors
    • Identification and validation of novel drivers of Alzheimer’s disease neuropathology

    More information can be found here: Research focus and projects


    • PhD and master course "Neurodegenerative dissorders I: genes, molecular mechanisms and treatment" at Karolinska Institute.  
    • PhD course "The interplay between neuro-infections and Neurodegenerative diseases", part of the Doctoral Program in Neuroscience at Karolinska Institute.  (2023 and 2024).
    • Course "Frontiers in Biomedicine" of the Master's programme in Biomedicine at  Karolinska Institute  (2023 and 2024).
    • Teacher at "Protein Metabolism in Health and Disease", a course within the Karolinska Institutet Clinical Research School in Molecular Medicine  (2024)
    • PhD course "Alzheimer's disease-clinical features and pathogenic mechanisms" at Karolinska Institute. (2023 and 2025)
    • Teacher at "Protein Mechanisms of Disease", a course within the Karolinska Institutet Clinical Research School in Molecular Medicine  (2017)
    • Teacher at the course "Frontiers in Translation Medicine, part of the master program in Biomedicine at Karolinska Institute (2016).

Selected publications


All other publications



  • Senior Research Specialist, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Karolinska Institutet, 2022-


  • Tsagkogianni Christina, 2023
  • Goicolea Julen, 2017

Visiting research fellowships

  • Marie-Skłodowska-Curie research fellow, Rockefeller University, 2018-2021

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