Pär Karlsson

Pär Karlsson

Telephone: +46852483319
Visiting address: Eugeniahemmet, T2, Astrid Cleves gata 30 A, 17176 Stockholm
Postal address: K2 Medicin, Solna, K2 Centr för läkemedelsepidemiologi, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • I am a statistician by training and by heart. My aim is to learn as much as
    possible about statistics. My main interest is deep philosophical questions,
    such as how to draw conclusion about the world based on our observations.
    Previously, I have worked at Astra and Statistics Sweden, where the data are
    well designed and monitored. Now, here at KI, I work with data from
    administrative registers, which are not quite at the same level.
    Master of Science in Statistics
    Stockholm University


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