Olof Nordenstorm
About me
I am a PhD student in the Avlant Nilsson group, where our research focuses on using deep learning to model cancer mechanisms. My specific work involves developing interpretable deep learning models to understand how drugs impact the molecular networks within cancer cells and normal cells.
My research aims to improve our understanding of cancer biology and help identify the most effective treatments by building a cell model based on deep learning. The overarching goal of my doctoral position is to develop a model that can predict the mechanisms through which cancer develops resistance to treatment. The development of resistance is a major challenge across all types of cancer therapies. Therefore, being able to predict resistance before it arises would be extremely valuable. I hold a master’s degree in Engineering Physics with a focus on theoretical physics, as well as a bachelor’s degree in Engineering Physics, both from KTH. During my master’s studies, I also explored machine learning and its connections to statistical mechanics.
I Avlant forskargrupp hjälper jag masterstudenter med både projekt och examensarbeten. Jag är mer än gärna i kontakt med potentiella masterstudenter som vill genomföra ett ambitiöst och spännande examensarbete inom ett växande forskningsområde!