Olly Kravchenko
Phd Student
E-mail: olly.kravchenko@ki.se
Visiting address: M48, Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset Huddinge, 14186 Stockholm
Postal address: K8 Klinisk neurovetenskap, K8 CPF Rück Wallert, 171 77 Stockholm
About me
- In my PhD project, I'm aiming to predict treatment outcome for patients treated with internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy for major depressive disorder, panic disorder and social anxiety disorder using clinical and genetic data as well as a wide range of socioeconomic and demographic data derived from Swedish national registers.
- Article: BMJ OPEN. 2023;13(10):e069427
- Journal article: EUROPEAN NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY. 2023;75:s165
- Journal article: EUROPEAN NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY. 2023;75:s109-s110
- Journal article: EUROPEAN NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY. 2022;63:e138-e139