Niklas Juth

Niklas Juth

Affiliated to Research | Docent
Visiting address: Widerströmska huset, Tomtebodavägen 18A, 17165 Solna
Postal address: C7 Lärande, Informatik, Management och Etik, C7 Etik Helgesson, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • Niklas Juth is a associate professor in medical ethics at Karolinska
    Senior lecturer in medical ethics at Karolinska institutet. Currently
    teaching, for instance, at the Medical program (in Clinical medical ethics,
    The ethics of medical research and the theory of medical science, and The
    ethics of pre- and neonatal medicine), at the Program for Health Economy,
    Policy, and Management/ /(Philosophy of science and research ethics), the
    Biomedical and Scilife Programs (The ethics of biomedicine), and doctoral
    students in research ethics.


  • My current main research interests are in ethics and bioethics and the
    intersection between political philosophy and medical ethics, e.g. autonomy
    and justice in health care. My main focus the last couple of years has been
    compulsory care (within both sometic and psychiatric care) and priority
    setting issues (e.g. regarding the principle of need and orphan drugs). I am
    still active in the Stockholm Centre for Health Care Ethics (CHE) project
    “Prioritizing in Health Care: The Reasonableness and Applicability of the
    Principles of Cost-Efficiency, Need, and Responsibility”: [1]. I am also doing research within the
    areas of experimental ethics, end-of-life care, the ethics of screening,
    prenatal diagnosis, and genethics.
    *Juth*, Niklas; Radetzki, Marcus; Radetzki, Marian (2003), /Genes and
    Insurance/, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
    (Due to copyright rules, the book is not available free online. Please email
    to get an electronic copy: [2])
    *Juth*, Niklas (2005), /Genetic information: Values and Rights. The Morality
    of Presymptomatic Genetic Testing/, Acta Philosophica Gothoburgensia, /
    /Göteborg. (Dissertation)
    (Due to copyright reasons, the book is not available free online. Please
    email to get an electronic copy: [3])
    *Juth* N, Lindblad A, Lynöe N, Sjöstrand M and Helgesson G. European
    Association for Palliative Care (EAPC) framework for palliative sedation: an
    ethical discussion. /BMC Palliative Care/ *9**:20, **2010.
    * [4]
    Sandberg J and *Juth* N. Ethics and Intuitions: A Reply to Peter Singer,
    /Journal of Ethics/ 2011;15(5):209-226. [5]
    *Juth*, Niklas; Munthe, Christian (2012), /The Ethics of Screening in Health
    Care and Medicine – Serving Society or Serving the Patient?/ Springer,
    Dordrecht. (Due to copyright rules, the book is not available free online.
    Please email to get an electronic copy: [6])
    *Juth* N. Challenges for principles of needs in health care. /Health Care
    Analysis/, Vol. 23, Issue 1, 2015. DOI: 10.1007/s10728-013-0242-7;id=doi:10.1007/s10728-013-0242-7
    *Juth* N. Germline genetic modification, CRISPR, and human identity: Can
    genetics turn you into someone else? /Ethics, Medicine and Public Health/
    2016, 2, 416-425. [8]
    *Juth*, N. For the sake of justice: Should we prioritize rare diseases?
    /Health Care Analysis/ 2017 25(1), 1-20. PMID: *25145639*
    DOI: 10.1007/s10728-014-0284-5
    *Juth* N. Justifying the Expansion of Neonatal Screening: Two Cases. /Public
    Health Ethics/ 2019;12(3):250-260. [9]
    Björk J, Helgesson G* Juth *N.* *Better in theory than in practise?
    Challenges when applying the luck egalitarian ethos in health care policy.
    /Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy/, 2020;23:735–742. PMID: *32566983* [10]


All other publications


  • Affiliated to Research, Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics, Karolinska Institutet, 2023-2026

Degrees and Education

  • Docent, Karolinska Institutet, 2013

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