Moa Pontén
Affiliated to Research
Telephone: +46852486908
Visiting address: Norra Stationsgatan 69, plan 7, 11364 Stockholm
Postal address: K8 Klinisk neurovetenskap, K8 CPF Bjureberg, 171 77 Stockholm
- Article: BMC PSYCHIATRY. 2024;24(1):904
- Article: PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE. 2024;54(6):1207-1214
- Article: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 2022;12(1):17704
- Article: JOURNAL OF HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY. 2022;27(1):135-146
- Article: JOURNAL OF ALZHEIMERS DISEASE. 2021;84(4):1821-1832
- Article: MOLECULAR PAIN. 2020;16:1744806920927625
- Journal article: 2019
- Article: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 2019;9(1):12478
- Article: PAIN REPORTS. 2019;4(3):e698
- Article: NEUROLOGY. 2017;88(20):1912-1918
All other publications
- Review: JAMA NETWORK OPEN. 2022;5(11):e2243848
- Doctoral thesis: 2022
- Review: JAMA NETWORK OPEN. 2020;3(3):e201423
- Other: LAKARTIDNINGEN. 2018;115:EZSA
- Swedish Research Council1 December 2023 - 30 November 2026
- Affiliated to Research, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, 2022-2025
Degrees and Education
- Degree Of Doctor Of Philosophy, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, 2023
- Degree Of Master Of Science In Psychology, Karolinska Institutet, 2018