Ming Ho Choi
Postdoctoral Researcher
E-mail: ming.ho.choi@ki.se
Visiting address: BioClinicum J10:30, Visionsgatan 4, 17164 Solna
Postal address: H1 Neurobiologi, vårdvetenskap och samhälle, H1 Neurogeriatrik Ankarcrona, 171 77 Stockholm
My ongoing research delves into the roles of mitochondria-endoplasmic reticulum contact sites (MERCS) within adult microglia in Alzheimer's disease (AD). These MERCS harbor distinct protein complexes that oversee crucial physiological functions, and are altered in AD. I aim to elucidate the mechanisms by which MERCS influence these cellular processes and investigate whether manipulating MERCS could mitigate dysfunction in AD.
Journal article: STEM CELL RESEARCH & THERAPY. 2023;14(1):333
Journal article: ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY. 2022;94(3):1901-1909
Journal article: STAR PROTOCOLS. 2021;2(2):100416
Journal article: CELL REPORTS. 2020;33(7):108394