Mehdi Osooli

Mehdi Osooli

Visiting address: Maria Aspmans gata 30A, 17164 Solna
Postal address: K2 Medicin, Solna, K2 KEP Olén O, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • Epidemiologist and research coordinator at the Clinical Epidemiology
    Division, Department of Medicine Solna, Karolinska Insitutet.

    After having worked as an intensive care nurse in Tehran, I did a Master of
    Science in Epidemiology at Tehran University of Medical Sciences, after which
    I worked as a project manager for a national survey of HIV risk behaviors among
    injecting drug users in Iran. Then I moved to Lund where I did my PhD studies
    at Lund University. During my Ph.D., I also served as a project manager to
    create and run an international register for patients with haemophilia. After
    my PhD studies, I did a postdoc at the Centre for Primary Healthcare research
    (CPH), Lund University to investigate the state and determinants of mental
    health among immigrants in Sweden.
    * Postdoctoral researcher, Lund University (2018- 2021)
    * Ph.D. in Internal Medicine Specialized in Epidemiology, Lund University,
    Sweden (2012-2017)
    * M.Sc. in Epidemiology, Tehran University of Medical Science, Tehran, Iran
    * B.Sc. in Nursing, Shiraz University of Medical Science, Shiraz, Iran


  • Over the past 15 years, I have worked on a range of research projects
    involving primary data sources (i.e.: National HIV surveillance surveys in
    Iran) and secondary data sources (e.g. systematic reviews and register-based
    studies). My main research interests so far have included psychosocial
    determinants of health and the health of marginalized populations. My current
    research focuses on the epidemiology and pharmacoepidemiology of Inflammatory Bowel Disease.


  • Undergraduate
    - Epidemiology and biostatistics, MSc public health, Lund University
    - Epidemiology and Biostatistics, MSc public health, Karolinska Institutet (2021- )


    • Research methods and Epidemiology, Research School for Research school for clinicians in Epidemiology, KI-Region Stockholm (2021-ongoing)
    • Epidemiology and biostatistics, Research School for Primary Care physicians, Lund University (2019-2020)


    Thesis evaluator

    • MSc public health, Karolinska Institutet (2021- ongoing)
    • MSc public health, Lund University (2017-2021)


All other publications


  • Epidemiologist and Research Coordinator, Department of Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, 2021-


  • Marwen Fakhfekh, Performance of quality indicators for adult critical care in limited resources settings: a systematic review
  • Hibatallah Siddig, Perceived Racism/Discrimination and Mental Health of Immigrants in the Nordic Countries: A Systematic Review

Visiting research fellowships

  • Postdoctoral studies, Lund University, 2019-2021

Editorial work

Journal reviewing

Conference/event participation

News from KI

Events from KI