Marin Jukic

Marin Jukic

Senior Research Specialist
Visiting address: Solnavägen 9, Biomedicum B5, 17165 Solna
Postal address: C3 Fysiologi och farmakologi, C3 FyFa Farmakogenetik, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • Working in the field of biological psychiatry for the last 9 years with the
    focus on brain development and affective disorders.
    * *2015-2017* Swedish Brain Foundation grant (2 years) – together with
    Magnus Ingelman-Sundberg (88 grants awarded to neuroscience research
    projects in Sweden); active until June 2017
    * *2012 *Israeli Ministry of Exterior Scholarship for top foreign graduate
    students in Israel (included three rounds of selection, 10 awarded out of
    unknown number of participants)
    * *2010 - 2014* Serbian Ministry of Youth and Sports Scholarship for the
    best Serbian students abroad (4 years-About 500 scholarships awarded each
    * *2009* Serbian Ministry of Youth and Sports Scholarship for 1000 best
    students in Serbia enrolled 2004/2005 (more than 30, 000 enrolled)
    * *2009* Awarded as a top finishing year pharmacy student in Serbia by
    Pharmacy Society in Belgrade -"Apoteka Beograd" award (10 awarded out of
    more than 600 applicable, ranked first)
    * *2006 - 2008* Serbian Academy of Science Scholarship (3 years - 20
    scholarships are awarded for the top students in Serbia each year)
    * *2006* Belgrade Parliament Scholarship for the best students from Belgrade
    (100 awarded out of more than 10, 000 applicable)
    * *2005* Belgrade University Scholarship (All students with average mark
    over 85% are awarded)
    * *2004 - 2010* MSc in Neuropharmacology. Faculty of Pharmacy, University
    of Belgrade, Serbia; Top 5% in 2004/2005 batch.
    * *2010 - 2014* PhD in Neuroscience. Department of Physiology, Ben Gurion
    University, Israel. Supervisor: Claude Brodski
    * *2014 - Present* Postdoc. Department of Physiology and Pharmacology,
    Karolinska Institute, Sweden. Supervisor: Magnus Ingelman-Sundberg


  • My current project aims to reveal the role of CYP2C19 enzyme in prenatal
    brain development, as well as its role in adulthood in affective disorders
    and metabolism of psychopharmaceuticals.


  • * *2011 - 2014* Ben Gurion University of the Negev - Teaching
    Assistant. Courses: Histology (basic), Cardiology, Endocrinology,
    Rheumatology, Hematology, Gastroenterology, and Respiratory system –
    Histology labs
    * *2015 - Present* Karolinska Institute - Teaching AssistantCourses:
    Pharmacology, Neuropsychopharmacology
    * Supervised nine bachelor thesis research project students and one master


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