Margarita Mondaca

Margarita Mondaca

Affiliated to Teaching/Tutoring
Visiting address: Alfred Nobels Allé 23, 14183 Huddinge
Postal address: H1 Neurobiologi, vårdvetenskap och samhälle, H1 Arbetsterapi, 171 77 Stockholm

About me


  • I am an occupational therapist specialised in Mental Health and Human rights
    with 15 years of clinical and educational experience in Latin-America, Sweden
    and other international settings. A common thread during my clinical,
    educational and research experience has been my interest in vulnerable
    populations experiencing marginality and attention towards the ethical
    demands these populations present. My current area of research is about
    everyday life and vulnerability, particularly in care health services for
    older adults, both living in nursing homes and at home. My particular focus
    is on everyday life and the opportunities that older adults might have to
    influence everyday activities on a daily basis.I draw on critical and
    interpretative theoretical perspectives to problematize everyday life and
    what is often taken-for-granted in order to generate reflection forums about
    transformative practices within health care services.Methodologically my
    interest is in qualitative methods and in particular in building
    collaborative practices between research, educational settings and
    stakeholders. I draw on various methods including narrative, ethnography,
    dialogical inquiry, critical discourse and photovoice. The principle focus of
    my research is to: (1) identify relevant hinders for inclusion in society and
    healthcare arenas, and (2) to contribute both theoretically, practically and
    methodology to a body of knowledge concerned with a humanistic healthcare. I
    am currently involved in two projects that are part of a larger founded
    research projects; FORTE "Future Care" [1], PI: Lena Borell and “A nursing
    home to long for” founded by the Family Kamprad Foundation PI: Lena
    Rosenberg . In both of these projects my focus is on building collaborative
    practices, with nursing home residents and staff and with staff providing
    home services for older adults living at home. Internationally I am part of
    an EU founded project Erasmus+ (2018-2020) called InterAct [2],
    Interdisciplinary Cooperation in Psychosocial Interventions as Swedish
    partner and in collaboration with IB-Hochschule Berlin, The National and
    Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA), The University of Vic - Central
    University of Catalonia. This initiative focus on the creation of European
    networks of best psychosocial practices for refugees.
    *Mondaca, M., *Josephsson, S.; Rosenberg, L. & Johansson, K.(2019) Is a
    nursing home a place for aged or aging people? Competing discourses about
    everyday activities . Submitted
    *Mondaca, M., *Johansson, K., Josephsson, S., & Rosenberg, L. (2019). In
    search for the “humane”: staffs’ perspectives on everyday activities in
    a nursing home. /Aging Ment Health/, 1-10. doi:10.1080/13607863.2019.1574709
    *Mondaca M*, Josephsson S, Borell L, Katz A, Rosenberg L (2018) Altering the
    boundaries of everyday life in a nursing home context [3]/Scandinavian
    journal of occupational therapy:1-11/ doi: 10.1080/11038128.2018.1483426
    *Mondaca M*, Josephsson S, Katz A, Rosenberg L. (2018) Influencing everyday
    activities in a nursing home setting: A call for ethical and responsive
    engagement [4]/Nursing inquiry;25(2): e12217/
    Guajardo, A. & *Mondaca, M*(2016) “Human rights, Occupational Therapy and
    the centrality of Social practices”in Occupational Therapies without
    border. Integrating Justice with Practice. Second edition Ed. By Sakellariou,
    D.and Pollard, N. Elsevier
    Asaba, E., Rudman, D.;*Mondaca, M*.& Park, M. (2015) “Visual Methodologies
    Photovoice in Focus”In Qualitative Research Methodologies for Occupational
    Science and Therapy edited by Nayar, S. and Stanley, M. Routledge
    Johansson, K., Rudman, D., *Mondaca, M.*, Park, M., Luborsky, M., Josephsson,
    S. & Asaba, E. (2012) "Moving beyond ‘aging in place’ to understand
    migration and aging: Place making and the centrality of occupation" Journal
    of Occupational Science 20(2), 108-119doi:10.1080/14427591.2012.735613
    Guajardo, A. & *Mondaca, M *(2016) “Human rights, Occupational Therapy
    and the centrality of Social practices”in Occupational Therapies without
    border. Integrating Justice with Practice. Second edition Ed. By Sakellariou,
    D.and Pollard, N. Elsevier



All other publications


  • Affiliated to Teaching/Tutoring, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Karolinska Institutet, 2024-2025
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Karolinska Institutet, 2021-2024

Degrees and Education

  • Degree Of Doctor Of Philosophy, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Karolinska Institutet, 2019

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