Lina Marcela Diaz-Gallo

Lina Marcela Diaz-Gallo

Research Specialist
Visiting address: D2:01, Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset, 17177 Stockholm
Postal address: K2 Medicin, Solna, K2 Reuma Klareskog L Padyukov L, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • My research aims to uncover homogenous subgroups of patients with autoimmune
    diseases by integrating relevant data domains to contribute to developing
    prevention-precision medicine in this field.
    I'm specialized in genetics and genomics in the context of autoimmune
    diseases. I have experience in applied bioinformatics, designing, leading,
    and executing analyses of different data domains to contribute to
    translational research. I have mostly used R and Python programming
    languages and implemented diverse bioinformatic tools.
    I really enjoy interacting with people in different settings, such as our
    international and diverse workplace, the Division of Rheumatology [1], where
    I have met excellent human beings and scientists. Through teaching, I
    contribute to empowering people, which is part of my professional role. I'm
    constantly improving and broadening my research and teaching skills. I
    organize and teach the basic bioinformatic course [2].



  • My research line aims to identify and characterize homogenous subgroups of
    patients with rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (/RMDs/) by integrating
    relevant disease data domains, such as genetics, genomics, clinical
    variables, and immunological profiles. To achieve that my research is woven
    into other study areas such as immunology and epidemiology. I have been
    studying rheumatoid arthritis (RA), systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE),
    systemic scleroderma (SSc), and idiopathic inflammatory myopathies (IIM).
    During my postdoc, I contributed to understanding how gene-gene interactions
    are important for the genetic susceptibility and heritability of RA
    (pubmed:29967194 [1]). I, together with my collaborators, have demonstrated
    that autoantibodies can be used to identify more homogeneous subgroups of
    patients with SLE (pubmed: 34658170 [2] pubmed:35315244
    [3] pubmed:35642868 [4]) or IIM (pubmed:35315244 [5] preprint [6]), which
    differ in genetic risk factors and probably in pathogenic mechanisms.
    In collaboration with Associate Professor Karine Chemin [7], we are exploring
    the role of T-cells at the site of inflammation of RMDs and aim to integrate
    the results from those projects into the subsetting of patients suffering
    from RMDs.


  • I am the director of the annual doctoral course in basic bioinformatics [1].


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