Lars Larsson

Lars Larsson

Visiting address: BioClinicum J5:20, 17176 Solna
Postal address: C3 Fysiologi och farmakologi, C3 FyFa Basal och klinisk muskelbiologi, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • Lars Larsson received his MD and PhD degrees at Karolinska Institutet. He has a specialist degree in clinical neurophysiology from Karolinska University Hopsital and did his post-doctoral training at the Pennsylvania State University, Padova University and University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA.

    Lars Larsson has held the position as the Marie Underhill Noll Professor at the Pennsylvania State University, Professor and Chair at Clinical Neurophysiology, Uppsala University Hospital and was recently (2014) recruited to Karolinska Institutet as part of a strategic recruitment plan. At KI, he is Professor of neurophysiology and group leader of the Basic and clinical muscle biology research group at the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology.


  • Lars Larsson's research work has focused on the mechanisms underlying the impaired muscle function associated with aging and primary and secondary myopathies affecting sarcomeric proteins. This work has included the development of methods to study regulation of muscle contraction at the whole muscle, motor unit, muscle cell and motor protein levels as well as the implementation of novel experimental models.

    Lars Larsson identified the first ICU patient with critical illness myopathy in Sweden 20 years ago and has since then studied the mechanisms underlying this acquired myopathy in clinical and experimental studies, developed sensitive diagnostic methods and introduced specific intervention strategies.


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